Old newbie checking in!

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Old newbie checking in!

Post by EmeraldJubilee »


I apparently made this account in 2018? I don't think I ever played very much, though I think I logged in a few times during the pandemic lmao

I just wanted to pop in, say hi, and see what has changed! I imagine there's been a whole load of new creatures added, and the world map looks different from how I remember too! I'd also love to make some new friends, since I imagine the people I knew before probably aren't very active anymore ^^;

As a fun little aside, I'd love to see your favorite creature, or hear about a creature you're breeding for/saving up for! :3
<3 I do clickbacks! <3

Seeking a female Confara Pegasus~

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Re: Old newbie checking in!

Post by Enchanteddil »

Hi and welcome back to Magistream :wave:

Not sure when you checked out Magistream last, but there are lot and lots of beautiful creatures released over the years, so you will have have a buy time collecting them. If you need help with your collection, there are several gifting threads in Zocalo you can check out ^_^

Currently, I don't have a favourite creature because there are so many I love. Out of the new stream releases, my favourite are the Gilded Koppis and all of the Prism Foxes. They are absolutely gorgeous ^_^

I do a lot of breeding for my giveaways, so I'm always busy with that. No specific creatures I'm breeding. Just whatever I can for gifting purposes. As for saving up, I can never do that. There is always something to buy. I'm missing a lot of donation shop creatures, so maybe one day I will actually save up some gold to buy them :lol:

It's really great to have you back. If you need help with anything, feel free to PM me or post in the Support Folder ^_^
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Re: Old newbie checking in!

Post by EmeraldJubilee »

Thank you!!

I think I logged on some time in 2022, judging by an old trade I have, but this is the first time I've come back for longer than a day since 2018! I think I just missed the Valentine's event, but I'm excited to be back regardless. I'm making it a personal goal to stay long enough to actually experience and event on site :lol: But yeah, looks like I have a lot of catching up to do! I'm excited. I can't get over how generous the community is, though?? Your thread in Zocalo and others helped me catch up a lot, and I hope to be able to host a gifting thread as big as some of the ones there some day <3

I really like the Prism Foxes too! I just grabbed a fire one a few days ago c: I was really fond of Corazins before I left, and I still really like them lol, but some of these new creatures are def growing on me <3

Oh goodness, same :lol: I'm trying to save up for a few quests, buuuuut I've ended up buying something instead so far lol. Your giveaway is really admirable though!! I was so amazed when I saw how many creatures you had to give away! Kinda random, but does the egg limit ever increase, or are you breeding all of those creatures with a 5 egg limit?

Thank you!! ^_^
<3 I do clickbacks! <3

Seeking a female Confara Pegasus~

Hello! Call me Em c:
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Re: Old newbie checking in!

Post by Enchanteddil »

The generosity of this community is what made me interested in giveaways. Since the day I joined, everyone I interacted with were so generous, kind and extremely helpful. It's my way of giving back to the community and one reason I have been here since 2009 without a single hiatus.

I'm glad my giveaway and the other giveaway threads are helpful to you. You don't have to have a load of creatures to start a giveaway. If you catch, breed and hatch creatures and set aside ones you don't want when you are keep cleaning or something, you can offer them to others in Zocalo. Giveaways are not a competition. It's the thought that counts ^_^

If you need help with creatures for quests, we offer (CBN Free Quest Help thread) creatures for free to do them. We don't give the gold required, just the creatures. There are several quests you don't need gold. So feel free to drop in our thread over in Mercado whenever you are ready and we will be happy to help you.

I have been doing giveaways for about 13 years. The main one is the Countdown To Christmas (CTC) giveaway which starts 1st December and ends 25th December. I do it with my friend NyxNoire. We have done it for 13 years consecutively. We collect a load of creatures for it and most of what is leftover, I include in my current giveaway and then start collecting again for the following year's CTC giveaway. Also, there are several members who help me by breeding eggs for me. So, I'm not doing this alone. As you have noticed, members here are extremely generous. I wouldn't be able to do what I do without their help ^_^

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