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Post by himehana »

(I've struggled to get this written but I've finally gotten something I feel is ok to share. Forgive my bad formatting I've never been very good at that. The flow may be a bit choppy but I'm hoping to get a chance to edit it again tomorrow but I wanted to make sure I had something up before the deadline. I'm also not very good with titles. )
The sun glitters off black scales as something large slithers into keep's garden. It pauses further into the garden, flicking its tongue out as it tastes the air for a familiar scent. Following the scents, it travels up through the mage living corridor. Slipping in and out of rooms. It moves to the lower levels of the keep, leaving the smooth worded stones for rough natural stones and cool earth. It finds it way over cold, smoothed worked stone once more deep beneath the keep. The tongue wavering about till a recognizable scent settles on the tongue. The soft belly scales drift along the floor, cold metal lightly brushing its sides as it wraps around the warm feet of its master once more. His warm hand settling on the head of this large, black cobra. "Good work Adela. Now listen closely," The whispered words are remembered as she once more leaves her master's side. Adela slithers past a customer entering the store following her master's instructions to find an object he wanted. She slithers about the store eventually finding the intended object. Wrapping her tail around the small coiled object dragging it behind her as she makes her way back to her master. She deposits it at her master's feet as she settles down to watch him fiddle with it for a time. Growing frustrated with the object he sends her back out, this time to deliver a message to his customers at the cart he had to abandon. Her master returns to her this time. She curls up in the back of the cart as they disappear into the foggy early morning light. Days pass as they travel. As Cobra and man return to the surrounding area of the keep. Together they find new alleys to haunt waiting for a glimpse of familiar faces. She darkens the surrounding alley allowing her master's light to draw the attention of the wanted person. Leading them further into the back alleys away from unwanted eyes to leave them with a note. Cobra and man continue to wander her comfortable in the back of a cart as they travel new paths while the man waits for word from his loyal customers. Letter find their way to him, two names appear most often within these letters; Talyn and Kaidan. ThoughTalyn is the most likely one to want to get back at him for some past troubles he knowns as well that Talyn would not be clever or willing enough to put the time into such a plan alone at least. This Kaidan fellow is not directly known to him but these mentions of him having made failed breeding potions pique his interest. They return once more to keep's lands. Her master sending her off to find this Kaidan fellow. Her master had told her instructions to the place this human claims as his. She squeezes past the ajar door exploring the room as she likes. A noise catches her attention, head swiveling in the direction. Standing there staring at her is another man. She rises, hood opening, and symbol glowing as she hypnotizes the man to stillness as she makes her get away. A few days pass and word of Talyn dumping strange potions for this Kaidan fellow confirm for him that Kaidan is the one who set him up with those love potions. The man pats the cobra on her head satisfied on finding out who set them up with illegal potions. His good mood is ruined as he remembers that is usual route had been figured out. Kaidan was mostly known for this bast winter solstice using a spell to have snow find special treats he could have well modified that spell to track his operation down. Why? They have done nothing to this Kaidan before now for he was unknown to them. A second person then. Maybe now it's Talyn for he was the one to have him thrown in jail Alveus. That is it! Talyn working with Kaidan, though the man suspects it was mostly Kaidan coming up with the plan and Talyn just agreeing to it for the prospect of seeing him in jail this time. He will make no move at this moment waiting for more to be revealed and give them time to grow comfortable and forget what they have done then he'll strike back at them for this. For now, Man and snake move on finding new creatures and places to set up shop returning to their usual business.

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