Alethin - The ongoing story

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Alethin - The ongoing story

Post by CinnaminDraconna »

Extra! Extra!
Read All About It!

Alledged Black Market racketeer Alethin captured!
But the wily criminal managed to escape by unknown means.

Facts are slim and speculation abounds, but this is what we know.
Alethin was ambushed by a party or parties unknown who somehow figured out his route to the Keep.
Rumor has it that he was transporting illegal potions.. alledgedly love potions.
Loyal customers willing to speak anonymously say this is highly unlikely and point fingers at local innkeeper Remy. "Remy has always been jealous of Alethin" says one cloaked and hooded figure, "Remy knows that the eggs he sells are nowhere near as exotic as those sold by Alethin."

Other customers agree and point out that Remy's stock rarely changes, while Alethin almost always has new and special eggs. "Not to mention those that are so rare and hard to find that folk will do almost anything to get them" says another satisfied customer.

Facts about the ambush and escape have been impossible to find. Too many rumors, tall tales and downright fabrications make it difficult to discern a clear picture. This reporter will try to find out more and keep you informed as the story progresses.
05/24/2024 Moving Day - not sure how long I will be offline
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Re: Alethin - The ongoing story

Post by CinnaminDraconna »

Breaking News!!!

Notorious Keep troublemaker Talyn implicated in the Alethin case!

Talyn, who hasn't been seen for almost two years, was overheard saying that Adela the black raza cobra was in his room at the Keep. Not surprising to this reporter since Talyn and Alethin were once cellmates in the Tower of Triathe. Seems Alethin and Talyn go way back, even to before Talyn graduated from Mageschool.

Talyn is also pretty close to Master Belmos and this reporter wonders if there might be some connection between the Nursury and Alethin's suppliers. More News as I uncover it.
05/24/2024 Moving Day - not sure how long I will be offline
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Re: Alethin - The ongoing story

Post by CinnaminDraconna »

This Just In!!!

Adela the black raza spotted!

Talk in the market says that Adela.. Alethin's black raza companian.. has been seen in the Keep gradens. "Not her usual haunt" says one curious cloaked figure. Since Adela rarely leaves Alethin's side, she must be running errands while Alethin remains in hiding. But who did she meet in the Keep gardens? Or did she enter the Keep itself? We may never know.

Another item has come to this reporters attention which may or may not be related to the Alethin mystery. While investigating the rumors about Adela, I heard a strage story at the Artificers Guildshop. It seems the prototype for a mechanical snake has gone missing. But the disturbing part of the story is what the snakething was intended to do. Why would someone want a machine that could open different kinds of locks and looked like a black snake? Hmmmm, sound like anyone we know? Could our mysterious dealer in alledgely illicit items need a disguised lockpick? More News as I uncover it.
05/24/2024 Moving Day - not sure how long I will be offline

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