Favourite Real-life Mystery/ies

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Which is your favourite mystery?

Cryptozoology (unknown animals)
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Ghosts/Paranormal/Psychic Phenomena
Mary Celeste/Lost Ships
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Jack The Ripper/Unsolved Murders
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All of the above
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Favourite Real-life Mystery/ies

Post by Thylacina »

What real-life mysteries do you find the most intriguing and interesting? I've been into this sort of stuff since I was a kid. It started with a book I read in the school library about Bigfoot when I was 10. After that it was stuff about river/lake monsters, and then it was ghosts. I must have read every book the library had on those subjects. I've read so much about this stuff for so long it's hard for me to choose a favourite, but right now I'd have say Cryptozoology comes out on top. After that it's Paranormal stuff, Curses, the Mary Celeste and Jack The Ripper, and not necessarily in that order. Which tickles your fancy?
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Re: Favourite Real-life Mystery/ies

Post by SheWolfWarrior »

I love Cryptozoology. I believe it started when I first heard of Nessie. Then from there it just blossomed. I love reading books on many different Cryptids and then coming up with my own thesis of what it could be. My most favorite Cryptid ever, is the Mothman. It's just so interesting and I've read many books about it, and have watched many shows. Even though those red eyes creep then hell out of me, LOL. I also like the possible real life werewolves, not people who turn into wolves, just a Bigfoot like creature. And to me Bigfoot is already solved, it's an undiscovered ape, period. LOL, of course that is just my opinion and I'm open to hearing others. I would also like to see Mothman and Bigfoot one day. Of course, I have a higher chance of seeing a Bigfoot.

Anyways, other than Cryptozoology, I'm not one for real life mysteries. Nope, just mysterious animals. Because those seem to keep the earth mysterious.
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Re: Favourite Real-life Mystery/ies

Post by Thylacina »

I find the Mothman intriguing too. I'd be interested to see what it really was, like if it was some kind of undiscovered bird or something. I have to say though some of the stuff I've read about it sounds kinda scary :t-fear:

I think you might be right about Bigfoot. I reckon it could be a previously undiscovered species of ape, as well. The same could be said about the yowie, which is the Australian equivalent of Bigfoot. It'd be really interesting to see if they manage to find out more about it.

My favourite Cryptid, hands down, is the thylacine AKA the Tasmanian Wolf/Tasmanian Tiger, hence my username :t-^_^: They've fascinated me for as long as I can remember and I really hope to see one in the flesh one day.
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Re: Favourite Real-life Mystery/ies

Post by SheWolfWarrior »

Oh yeah, the Mothman is very creepy. At first, I thought it to be an angel or demon. But that just made it creepier. Then it being an alien crossed my mind, but I still don't believe in aliens, yet. I'm always open. But my most recent theory is awesome. I just finished reading a book about all of the mysterious creatures in West Virginia. It spoke about other dimensions, because there is science proving other dimensions exist. So then, after a bit of thinking, this theory came up in my head. It is;

What if Mothman is an inter-dimensional traveler? What if he can either predict catastrophes that will soon happen in our world, or what if they already happened in his. Then he traveled here to warn us about the Silver Bridge collapse, for example. And what if the other phenomena that happened during that year was others from his dimension? But Mothman failed at warning us because he looks so different and may even speak a different language. So once the bridge collapsed, he left. But he must've been sloppy because weird things are still happening in West Virginia. He probably didn't close the portal all the way, or maybe just left it open. Then forgot about it, so now West Virginia gets some strays from his dimension.

It's a pretty sound theory, if you think about it. Plus, it makes Mothman less scary. Instead of 'Mothman the omen of death' its 'Mothman the inter-dimension traveler'. Now I really want to meet him, if that what he really is. Of course, this theory may change into a better one once more info pops up. But I do know one thing, Mothman can't be an undiscovered bird. He has appeared in the way past (like Native American cave drawings past) and has also appeared in other countries (like Chernobyl). I've thought and thought about it. If Mothman just appeared in West Virginia, yeah, I'd call him a bird. But he didn't, that's the thing. And why did he just vanish after the disaster ended? No, it seems to strange to be a bird. And that's why I love him, he's a mastery and probably will always be. He'll still pop up when disasters happen, but nobody will ever catch him. Unless he wants to be caught, but I don't think so. Anyways, I could go on and on about Mothman. I have ready almost everything about him, I say almost because he still creeps me out, LOL. :D

And yeah, Bigfoot is freaking EVERYWHERE. Not just America, in many other countries. And then there's Bigfoot's cousins, like the Yeti. I believe if people keep trying, they'll catch it one day. And then science will accept Bigfoot's existence and he'll be charted as yet another species. But for now, he's still a Cryptid.

Oh yes, I love the Thylacine. It was a real species once, but then got (supposedly) extinct by man. My most favorite thing about the Thylacine was it's jaw, how far the creature could extend it was awesome. I wish to see it one day when I travel to Australia. Because I believe there are still tiny populations out there, hiding.
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Re: Favourite Real-life Mystery/ies

Post by TNHawke »

Ok. I'll buy that Mothman could be an inter-dimensional creature- but why would he be benevolent and coming to warn people about a catastrophe- and yet be so bad at his job? Different language and culture, sure, I can get. But if he can see into our dimension and understands enough about us to know that bridge falling = bad, shouldn't he know enough to offer a warning? And, if he is so wise and benevolent, why would he leave the gate open and allow other bad things to happen? If he came to warn, why didn't he warn of other major catastrophes in WV, or in other places?

If he is real, and is an inter-dimensional creature, I find it far more likely that he is either maliciously, or ignorantly, destructive. This would be far more likely to fit in with "predicts bad events" - because he helps cause them, intentionally or otherwise. it also fits better with your 'open gateway' theory.

I, personally, do not think Mothman exists.
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Re: Favourite Real-life Mystery/ies

Post by SheWolfWarrior »

Well yes, those are good questions. That's why I said sloppy, he just forgot this time. The other times he came to warn he did close the door, but for some reason he didn't this time. And he was sighted for a full year before the bridge collapsed, that seems like he gave them ample time to know that something bad was going to happen. And it's not that he understands that bridge falling = bad, it's that it already happened in his dimension. He was trying to prevent further deaths. Now, my theory of the same things happening in different dimensions but at a different time came from Fringe. Yes, Fringe probably made it up, but what if it is true? And again, this is just a theory and will probably change once more info comes up. Other people have different theories. The author of the book I read thinks that West Virginia is just a gap between dimensions. So creatures just appear suddenly, as if coming from another dimension, and not of their own will. I buy that theory, but it doesn't fit with Mothman. West Virginia Mothman, yeah, it probably would fit. But Mothman did appear in other places. And maybe why he didn't warn of other catastrophes is because he gave up. Or maybe died.

And he may also be a malicious creature. Yes, maybe he did cause the bridge collapse and the whole year of sightings was him just playing with people. That's a good theory too. And I'll accept it, maybe. Depends on what other info I (or others) collect. And that, is why I love the mystery of Mothman. Seeing which theory fits best, and creating my own. For now though, I'll use my newest theory, yet still be open to hear others. And yours, of him being a malicious creature from another dimension, is a good one. Something I'll definitely be thinking about for awhile.
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Re: Favourite Real-life Mystery/ies

Post by Thylacina »

Well, whether he's evil or not, the Mothman still scares the daylights outta me. I remember reading an eyewitness account once that said it made a terrible screeching sound and chased someone :t-fear: But I do agree on the whole other-dimension thing. Who's to say that some of these unknown creatures haven't come from some other world previously unknown to man? And there are other worlds out there, other dimensions, we just haven't discovered them yet.

And your theory about Bigfoot totally makes sense. It has to be a completely new species that they haven't been able to get proof of yet. I mean, come on, Native Americans and Aborigines have been telling stories about this thing for thousands of years so surely there has to be some truth in it, right?

And I agree with you about the Thylacine. There are practically hundreds of thousands of kilometers of unexplored, inaccessible bushland out there. Who's to say there aren't a few small populations out there? It makes perfect sense to me considering how hard they were to capture back in the day.

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Re: Favourite Real-life Mystery/ies

Post by Marsupial »

Cryptozoology, definitely. When I purchased a cryptozoology book -- made by Rick Spears, Roxyanne Young, and Kelly Milner Hall --, I was hooked, I couldn't stop. I looked up Nessie, Altamaha-ha, Albino Sasquatch, and a bunch of other stuff! I was mostly fascinated by the dinosaur-like ones, such as Mokele-Mbembe, Emela-Ntouka, etc. I was obsessed! The Fiji Mermaid scared me to pieces, though. Had a bit of trouble sleeping two days straight. . . .
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Re: Favourite Real-life Mystery/ies

Post by Lisbels »

My favourite real life mysteries are the one about the chupacabra, Atlantis and the burmuda triangle.
Cryptozoology is like my ultimate favourite, because I love animals.
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Re: Favourite Real-life Mystery/ies

Post by KaidaLupita »

So apparently, there are staircases in the woods. Not even inside a house, just in the middle of the woods. When the person would ask about it, they would get told "Don't worry about those, You'll see them every now-and-then. Just don't go near them, and don't touch them." This is probably my favourite story, because of the mystery factor. It's interesting to think about how they got there.

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