Dracona's contest entry: Will-o'-wisp

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Dracona's contest entry: Will-o'-wisp

Post by Dracona »

This isn't your typical imp, just so you know. :roll:

Will-o'-wisps are wolflike in form. Magi who see them often mistake them for ghosts; they're translucent and can generate luminescent mist at will. They hardly eat, but when they do eat they eat meat. Will-o'-wisps are around the size of a normal wolf, but their cunning makes up for their lack of size. They are found in both the Jungle of Raza and Silva Forest, but only near swamps or treacherous terrain. Their coloring is brown, but with a bluish tint; their horns are similar in color to, but darker than, their coat.

Egg: This egg is nearly transparent; you can just barely see two red eyes glowing within. Two twisted horns poke out of its shell.

Hatchling: With a loud crack, your egg shatters, and out tumbles an adorable puppy. Then you notice the twisted horns and glowing red eyes; maybe not so adorable after all? But then it sees you, and with excited yapping, throws itself into your arms, gazing up at you trustingly with surprisingly expressive eyes. Won over, you reach down to pet its head. It snuggles for a moment- then nips your fingers lightly. You glare at it for a moment, and its eyes give the distinct impression that it's laughing at you. Watching it warily, you are startled to realize that this pup is slightly transparent, and seems to be putting off a faint mist. But it doesn't seem to be bothered by this, so maybe that's normal.

Adult: Much smaller than its Direwolf cousins, a fully-grown Will-o'-Wisp relies more on its sharp intellect and ability for deception than its physical strength. Now that it has outgrown its bumbling puppy stage, you see that it can control the luminescent mists it produces at will, almost as if they were an extension of its own body. It enjoys lurking in dark corners, pouncing on unwary passers-by. It's careful to never hurt anyone, though, so you let it have its fun.

General: Nocturnal by nature, Will-o'-Wisps are hard to find by those Magi who go looking for them, but all too easy to find for the unwary. Wild Will-o'-Wisps lurk in swamps, luring the unwary Magi to his death in remote sinkholes. A domesticated Will-o'-Wisp, however, is wholeheartedly and unabashedly devoted to the magi who raised it. Despite their frightening, ghost-like appearance and blazing scarlet eyes, a Will-o'-Wisp raised properly is a playful creature, if a little prone to playing practical jokes on the unwary. The lucky Magi who finds a Will-o'-Wisp egg is assured of a faithful and loving companion - just as long as he doesn't mind the pranks!

A few rough illustrations; please pardon the quality :lol:


Adult looks something like this, but more brownish and with horns:
http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g26/k ... _linai.jpg
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Re: Dracona's contest entry: Will-o'-wisp

Post by Birdboy »

It's a shame not to many people have seen this. I love this idea! Good luck!
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Re: Dracona's contest entry: Will-o'-wisp

Post by Dracona »

Thank you :)
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Re: Dracona's contest entry: Will-o'-wisp

Post by cyberus151 »

Love thsi idea,
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Re: Dracona's contest entry: Will-o'-wisp

Post by CicutaLupus »

Ok, I love how you incorporated the Will-o'-wisp into a wolf like form. The idea is very beautiful, and I certainly wouldn't mind the tricks that it would play. ^_^
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Re: Dracona's contest entry: Will-o'-wisp

Post by hiriachi »

so cute i like it ^_^
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Re: Dracona's contest entry: Will-o'-wisp

Post by bdw201 »

Oh, I like the idea. I might just be a sucker for wolves though :D

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