Megalania and Tigrah Dragon; Crits Welcome!

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Megalania and Tigrah Dragon; Crits Welcome!

Post by Espeon_Master »



A giant monitor lizard thought to have been lost to the ages, Megalania still secretively roam on this earth, today. Only a few and expert magi have known to somewhat tame this fierce beasts, though be warned those who try to keep a Megalania just as a pet, will probably regret it in the end. These creatures are most often then not used as guardians to protect a magi's sacred treasures or abode, though Megalania also hold some magical qualities. Their venom, is quite toxic and is acidic in quality, and if that isn't enough the mouth of Megalania is known to also be the home of a foul bacterial saliva soup, that if you were bitten, it would create a nasty infection, and you would eventually fall victim to septicemia and most likely death, if not treated immediately. Also, because of their foul mouths, they are known to have the most foulest breath of any creature alive. It said that their breath can get so foul that it can wither the plants around it and even kill small animals. That is why it is important for any magi keeping a Megalania to keep it's foul mouth in check. One of their most interesting magical abilities, is to be able to completely camouflage with their surroundings, in other words become invisible, but only for short periods of time. They are also quite fast for a large stubby lizard and have razor-sharp teeth, long dagger-like claws, a powerful whip-like tail, and even though their vision isn't so great, their sense of smell is many times greater than any blood hound, using their tongue to "taste" the air. The Megalania's venom; in a more refined form, is actually quite commonly used by assasssins as a poison, if their employer wishes their victim to die a slow and painful death. It is also used as a major ingredient in quite a few potions. As for the Megalania's scales(or skin it's recently shed), they are found to be the main ingredient in many short-lived invisibility potions, and can also be used to make a fine magi's cloak.

This egg is large and hard to lift. It is covered in fine smooth scales, smoky green in color and they seem to shimmer in the sun. You keep a close eye on the egg because it has a strange tendency to sometimes disappear for moments of time.

Since your hatchling came out of it's egg, it has been quite a handful, taking any chance it gets to run away from you and escape and it being fast, agile, and having the ability to become invisible for moments in time, doesn't help you in the slightest. It seems to always be hungry, begging for food, and chasing after anything that moves. It's tongue constantly flicking in the air and it's curiosity never seems to be fully satisfied, though it seems as long as you have plenty of food to satisfy it's constant hunger, it won't roam far from where you stay.

The once medium-cat sized hatchling has now grown into a lizard of immense size; no longer able to fit in your abode, covered in shimmering scales similar in color to the egg it once called home, though duller in color. It's curiosity in things has diminished and so has it's annoy attempts to try and run away from you, but now it's replaced with it's constant test in your ability to control such a fierce creature such as it's self, sometimes even lashing out at you. What you thought was just morning breath, when it was hatchling has turned into an ultimate foul halitosis, that could potentially wilt and wither plants. You began to wonder why you even picked up it's egg in the first place, being now your adult Megalania is such a hassle to take care off, but at least he keeps the bandits away.


I know the descriptions are pretty long, but I really enjoyed making this and I put quite a bit of effort of coming up with descriptions for this creature that I thought would fit in with Magistream well.
I probably make up some drawings later, for now I think I need some rest.
Comments and critique are greatly appreciated ^^ !
Last edited by Espeon_Master on September 16th, 2009, 2:56:28 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Megalania; Crits Welcome!

Post by Espeon_Master »

Megalania Drawings/Pictures:


Here's a simple sketch I did of what the Megalania egg and hatchling would look like-

Finally, I finished the adult and it diffently looks better than my first attempt-

I may redo the hatchling and egg sketch and may even try my hand at making sprites of these ^^ !



I did a quick clean-up and color on photoshop of my drawing of the adult Megalania-
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Re: Megalania; Crits Welcome!

Post by Espeon_Master »

I hope this is ok, but I thought it would be a good idea to tell everyone where I got the original idea for this entry, so here it goes-

For one, the Megalania is in fact a real creature, at least was, it is now considered existent by many, but there are people out there that would contradict that fact, and say that it still exists. For that, it is a considered a cryptid, and there have been many sightings of this creature in parts of Australia and has been nicknamed, the "Devil Dragon". For more information on this cryptid here's a link to a wikipedia page on it- [X]
Also, a show on Animal Planet called Lost Tapes, really helped me with my entry when they aired an episode on the Megalania. I found a video on their site that shows the facts that they gave on the creature during the show- [X]
Last edited by Espeon_Master on September 15th, 2009, 4:57:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Megalania; Crits Welcome!

Post by Espeon_Master »

Tigrah Dragon:
I came up with this one kinda last minute :P.

These rare and alusive creatures are found only in the deepest and densest jungles and rainforest and are rarely seen by humans. Most of their body is covered in a soft fur, golden in color with black stripes, though in places it also has scales usually duller in color usually between a green or brown color and rarely a deep black. Even though they have wings, they are incapable of flight. Instead the male Tigrah Dragon uses it's wings; which are usually bright in an array of colors, to attract a mate, though unlike the male, the female Tigrah Dragon's wings are dull in color either a dull earthy green, brown, or rarely a deep black. The Tigrah dragon instead is a very fast and agile runner able to move through the jungle without hardly making a sound. They are also great climbers and will sometimes even traverse through the trees instead of on the ground. Surprisingly, these creatures take to domestication well(though only to those dwell in the practices of magic, it stays steer clear of any non-magical folk), and are kept by many a Magi. Tigrah Dragons are quite often used as steeds or personal guardians of the Magi, as these creatures are fierce and tenacious, never giving up without a fight. It is wise to steer clear from an angered Tigrah Dragon for they are armed to the teeth, literally! They have two saber-like canines, that they use to snap their victims spin in two like a feeble toothpick. It also has two blade-like spines on it's tail, and powerful paws equipped with long sharp claws. When it comes to being with other creatures, It has no problem getting along, and will even have a tendency to watch over and protect the younger and smaller creatures of a Magi's Keep. Other than being a great steed, guardian, or protector, a Tigrah Dragon's shed fur and scales are often used in potions as well in making clothing and armor for a Magi. For these and many other qualities, the Tigrah Dragon is a valued creature among Magi.

Male- This egg is golden in color and covered with black stripes on top, though the bottom is covered with hard green scales. A pair of small colorful wings poke out of the egg.
Female- This egg is golden in color and covered with black stripes on top, though the bottom is covered with hard green scales. A pair of small dull colored wings poke out of the egg.

Out of your egg, has hatched a very playful and curious creature. It is covered in soft fur golden colored with black stripes in places and hard scales in others. It flexes it's tiny wings at times as if it was trying to fly, though most of the time it acts like a little kitten playing with anything or anyone, sometimes even getting into little tousles with the other young creatures in your Keep.

Male- Your little kitten-like hatchling has grown into a majestic and fierce beast. It's fur is still just as soft as when it was hatchling allow it seems to gleam in the sunlight, golden in color and adorn with black stripes. The scales on it's body are still a dull earthy green, however have become harder; harder than diamonds. It's wings haven't grown much, but have become even more colorful and bright, in fact it's wings are so colorful it would make a peacock go green with envy. It's tail also now poses two deadly blade-like spines, it's canines are now long sabers, and it's claws now more sharp, long, and dangerous. It is now your most ideal body guard.
Female- Your little kitten-like hatchling has grown into a majestic and fierce beast. It's fur is still just as soft as when it was hatchling allow it seems to gleam in the sunlight, golden in color and adorn with black stripes. The scales on it's body are still a dull earthy green, however have become harder; harder than diamonds. It's wings haven't grown much, and their color is still a dull earthy green. It's tail also now poses two deadly blade-like spines, it's canines are now long sabers, and it's claws now more sharp, long, and dangerous. It is now your most ideal body guard.

Bengal Tigrah Dragon:

These rare and alusive creatures are found only in the deepest and densest jungles and rainforest and are rarely seen by humans. Most of their body is covered in a soft fur, snow-white in color with black stripes, though in places it also has scales duller in color usually between a blue to deep violet and rarely a deep black. Even though they have wings, they are incapable of flight. Instead the male Bengal Tigrah Dragon uses it's wings; which are usually bright in an array of colors, to attract a mate, though unlike the male, the female Bengal Tigrah Dragon's wings are dull in color either a dull navy blue, dark purple, or rarely a deep black. The Bengal Tigrah dragon instead is a very fast and agile runner able to move through the jungle without hardly making a sound. They are also great climbers and will sometimes even traverse through the trees instead of on the ground. Surprisingly, these creatures take to domestication well(though only to those dwell in the practices of magic, it stays steer clear of any non-magical folk), and are kept by many a Magi. Bengal Tigrah Dragons are quite often used as steeds or personal guardians of the Magi, as these creatures are fierce and tenacious, never giving up without a fight. It is wise to steer clear from an angered Bengal Tigrah Dragon for they are armed to the teeth, literally! They have two saber-like canines, that they use to snap their victims spin in two like a feeble toothpick. It also has two blade-like spines on it's tail, and powerful paws equipped with long sharp claws. When it comes to being with other creatures, It has no problem getting along, and will even have a tendency to watch over and protect the younger and smaller creatures of a Magi's Keep. Other than being a great steed, guardian, or protector, a Bengal Tigrah Dragon's shed fur and scales are often used in potions as well in making clothing and armor for a Magi. For these and many other qualities, the Bengal Tigrah Dragon is a valued creature among Magi.

Male- This egg is white in color and covered with black stripes on top, though the bottom is covered with hard blue scales. A pair of small colorful wings poke out of the egg.
Female- This egg is white in color and covered with black stripes on top, though the bottom is covered with hard blue scales. A pair of small dull colored wings poke out of the egg.

Out of your egg, has hatched a very playful and curious creature. It is covered in soft fur white colored with black stripes in places and hard scales in others. It flexes it's tiny wings at times as if it was trying to fly, though most of the time it acts like a little kitten playing with anything or anyone, sometimes even getting into little tousles with the other young creatures in your Keep.

Male- Your little kitten-like hatchling has grown into a majestic and fierce beast. It's fur is still just as soft as when it was hatchling allow it seems to gleam in the sunlight, snow-white in color and adorn with black stripes. The scales on it's body are still a deep sea blue, however have become harder; harder than diamonds. It's wings haven't grown much, but have become even more colorful and bright, in fact it's wings are so colorful it would make a peacock go green with envy. It's tail also now poses two deadly blade-like spines, it's canines are now long sabers, and it's claws now more sharp, long, and dangerous. It is now your most ideal body guard.
Female- Your little kitten-like hatchling has grown into a majestic and fierce beast. It's fur is still just as soft as when it was hatchling allow it seems to gleam in the sunlight, golden in color and adorn with black stripes. The scales on it's body are still a deep sea blue, however have become harder; harder than diamonds. It's wings haven't grown much, and their color is still a dull earthy green. It's tail also now poses two deadly blade-like spines, it's canines are now long sabers, and it's claws now more sharp, long, and dangerous. It is now your most ideal body guard.


Adult Male Colored; I'll finish the wings later-

A quickly made egg sprite-
Last edited by Espeon_Master on September 16th, 2009, 2:48:45 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Megalania; Crits Welcome!

Post by Helenarth »

Very good indeed, I really like the idea. A foul-mouthed giant poisonous lizard. XD Very creative, and something I'd want to own. Good job! ^^

Also, I love your drawings, especially the hatchling. For something so dangerous, it's SO cute!

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Re: Megalania; Crits Welcome!

Post by helsinkivampiress »

Clicked on the little green eggie thinking it was some sort of adoptable. I love reptiles, so if this were a MS creature I'd horde lots and lots of them <3 haha. Love the bit about the bacteria and all in the mouth, definitely reminds me of a Komodo dragon
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Re: Megalania; Crits Welcome!

Post by Espeon_Master »

Thanks for the comments, I've been dieing to know what other people thought about my idea :wee: , and I'm glad you guys like it too.
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Re: Megalania; Crits Welcome!

Post by Espeon_Master »

Update: Added a quick colored version of the adult Megalania, to give an idea of it's color pattern ^^ , and a second entry, Tigrah Dragon!

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