Haolong, sabrith, Putian bear, flame tiger, snow leopard

Users were given the opportunity to design a creature and have it released.
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Haolong, sabrith, Putian bear, flame tiger, snow leopard

Post by Yunyi »

Threw together something on Photoshop ;) But saving them as .jpg files kinda destroyed the contrast...so...yeah the colors are a little dulled.

But my writing skills aren't so hot, so um the descriptions are kinda weird :/

Here are the hatchlings and eggs so far...well, I haven't colored them..eh heh But here's the outline.
I love the haolong hatchling, it's so cute XD

And dang, I wanted to submit a saber-toothed tiger, but I've already seen one or two other entries on it. I submitted a Cerberus too, but I've seen at least two other Cerberus entries... Ah well.

Anyway, I put my latest creature up first (Haolongs) because out of everything I've submitted, they're my faves..:D
And I have one more creature idea (wow I've submitted so many..>_>) that I think I'll just write a description on...I'm tired of drawing. *sigh*

I got the name from "hao" and "long" in Chinese...basically put together it means "good dragon." rofl I couldn't think of anything D: I guess in English it'd be pronounced "How-lohngs"
Egg: One half of the eggshell is smooth and icy cold; the other half is burning hot to the touch.

Hatchling: Got a little lazy on the coloringImage The haolong has hatched, and even at this stage you can tell that it will grow to be a majestic creature. It has two heads; one head is of the element ice, and the other is of fire. The haolong scampers over to you, and the fire head proudly breathes tiny flames, showing you its skill; then the ice head blows icy crystals over the flames, extinguishing them. Within moments, a squabble has erupted between the two heads, and you gently reach over to calm them down. The haolong will eventually be able to control its powers, and both heads will be able to cooperate together.

Adult: The adult haolong is powerful and majestic, thick muscles rippling under its scaly hide. The fire half of the haolong has beautiful, ruby-red scales; the ice half is covered in shimmering pale blue scales. The two heads now know how to cooperate work together in order to balance out their two opposite elements.

Haolongs are a wonderful example of two opposites working together in harmony; as they have two heads, one fire and one ice, they balance each other out. They must make sure that they do not cancel each other out, instead using their powers to their maximum effects. Haolongs are able to fly for long distances at a time; though their mismatched wings may make things seem awkward, a haolong’s flight is wonderfully smooth, and magis are able to ride for long periods of time without feeling any discomfort.


Egg:ImageThe golden egg is covered in a shimmering purple sheen.

Hatchling: ImageWith a sharp crackle, the sabrith breaks free of its shell. Hesitantly, it slowly gets to its feet, wobbling on its thin knobbly legs. It totters there for a moment before falling back over. Sabriths are always clumsy when first hatching from their shells; their long necks and legs make it hard for them to balance. Within time, however, this hatchling will become accustomed to its long limbs, and will grow into one of the most graceful creatures in the land.

Adult: The young sabrith has grown into a beautiful adult, with a thick golden ruff and a cream coat with purple hues. Though sabriths are as large as pegasi, they are able to move through their forest homes in near silence, almost impossible to detect. They love to go for long runs, giving them opportunities to stretch their long legs. Sabriths have an excellent sense of direction and can help a magi out if lost; they can be instructed and trained to locate certain places, such as the keep or another town.

Graceful and long-limbed, sabriths are often found in the Silva Forest areas that border the base of the Alasre Mountains. They are docile creatures, gentle by nature; wild sabriths will often allow magi approach close enough to touch their silky coats. Tamed from birth, sabriths are loyal companions and will often follow their magis around. Though they have wings, they spend most of their time on the ground, as their wings are too small to sustain them in flight for too long. However, they make wonderful mounts if one is traveling great distances over land; sabriths are naturally agile and have excellent stamina, able to run for days at a time without stopping to eat or drink.

Putian Bear - I took "Putian" from "Lilliputian." Read the description and you'll see why. Anyway, I did this because there’s no bear creature on Magistream yet, and I thought we should get one :D
Egg: A pair of shimmering blue-green wings have emerged from the egg.

Hatchling: Only about the length over your forefinger, this Putian bear hatchling is nevertheless full of energy. It flies around your head, chirping excitedly, and the sunlight catches its on wings and reflects the beautiful blue-green color. Although it will never grow past the size of your hand, it will be always be a faithful companion by your side.

Adult: Your Putian bear has grown to its full size, only about as big as your hand. A pair of gossamer wings sprout from its back; it flits around your head, full of energy and excitement. You hold out your hand, and the tiny bear settles into your palm, its warm weight pleasant against your skin. Soft, thick fur, much like its distant relatives the polar bear’s, covers its body. It noses your thumb, asking to play, and you comply by tossing it into the air and watching as it spreads its wings in delight at the peak of its lift. After a few minutes, it flutters back down to you and slips into your pocket, ready to take a long, warm nap.

General: Fully grown, Putian bears are tiny, able to fit in the palm of one’s hand. As they are so small, they have wings to help them travel greater distances in less time. Swift and agile, they can act as scouts and are excellent at sneaking around unseen. Putian bears are loving and protecting of their magi; however, with strangers they can be exceptionally fierce. Though they are small, they still have all the features of a regular sized bear – claws and teeth included. One would do well not to anger them.

Flame Tiger/Snow Leopard
I know there's already a real-life creature named "Snow Leopard," but I couldn't think of a better name. :/ Maybe "Ice Leopards" or something.
The things on the tiger's wings are supposed to be flames..I suck at drawing fire so that's how it ended up >_>
I used the same lineart for both of them...even though I know tigers and leopards don't have exactly the same build. But I thought these two should kinda come in a set...like light and dark pegasi, you know? And the same description...like the basic outline. Because when two creatures are kinda in a set, the descriptions are like that, right? Except if there's only one creature that can win...well...:/ Oh wells.

And the blue things around the leopard's feet are supposed to be ice shards >_> or something like that. Icy somethings.
Egg: Ice crystals have frozen onto the smooth white shell of the egg.

Hatchling: The little cub, already the size of a fully-grown housecat, playfully batters at your feet. A pair of feathery white wings sprouts from its back; it flaps them hard and brings itself to eyelevel with you. The cub has startling blue eyes, full of intelligence even at its young age. You reach up to gently lift it from the air and hold it to you, cuddling it. Its gentle purrs rumble through your body, and it closes its eyes in contentment.

Adult: The playful white cub has grown into a large, fearsome adult. Its muscles ripple under its sleek coat with every move it makes. The snow leopard has beautiful, thick white fur, dotted with black spots. Magnificent feathered wings, each at least as long its body, rise from its back. Snow leopards are protective guardians and one of the fiercest creatures in existence. They are as intelligent as their distant cousins the winged cats, and bear the same amount of dignity and pride. Yet with their magis, they can become as humble and loving as kittens.

General: Snow leopards are commonly found in the cold land of Arkene, their thick fur protecting them from the frigid weather. They are wary of humans, as are most wildcats, but if tamed and gentled from an early age, they can become faithful and loyal guardians. Although they have wings, they typically do not fly for long distances; their bodies are too compact and muscular to be supported for long.

And yeah I wrote they come from Arkene...I thought that was the best place. But if streamborn pets (I'm assuming that the new creatures will be streamborn) can't come from Arkene, something else can be put in place..o_0
Egg: The dark orange egg is fiery hot to the touch; you almost drop it as it burns your fingers.

Hatchling: The little cub, already the size of a fully-grown housecat, playfully batters at your feet. A pair of leathery red wings sprouts from its back; it flaps them hard and brings itself to eyelevel with you. The cub has soft golden eyes, full of intelligence even at its young age. You reach up to gently lift it from the air and hold it to you, cuddling it. Its gentle purrs rumble through your body, and it closes its eyes in contentment.

Adult: The playful orange cub has grown into a large, fearsome adult. Its muscles ripple under its sleek coat with every move it makes. The flame tiger has beautiful, thick orange fur, black stripes dark against its coat. Magnificent wings, reminiscent of dragon’s wings, rise from its back. Flame tigers are protective guardians and one of the fiercest creatures in existence. They are as intelligent as their distant cousins the winged cats, and bear the same amount of dignity and pride. Yet with their magis, they can become as humble and loving as kittens.

General: Flame tigers are commonly found in the humid Jungle of Raza, their striped orange fur helping them blend in. They are wary of humans, as are most wildcats, but if tamed and gentled from an early age, they can become faithful and loyal guardians. Although they have wings, they typically do not fly for long distances; their bodies are too compact and muscular to be supported for long.


No picture for this. And I don't know what the plural for Cerberus is, whether you keep it "Cerberus" or make is something different, like "Cerberi."
Egg: The dark brown egg seems to quivering with an strange power.

Hatchling: The adorable puppy runs around in circles, yapping loudly. You smile as it scampers over to you, tongues panting. Its three heads nuzzle you, asking for a treat, and you toss one to it, watching as the three heads fight over the treat. This puppy will eventually grow into a protective guardian.

Adult: The Cerberus is now as large as a small pony. Its three pairs of jaws are powerful and immense, seemingly able to crush anything and everything in its path; dark claws gleam from its large paws. However, since you have raised this Cerberus since it was an egg, it knows you well and never displays any signs of aggression towards you. It has dark fur, almost black, with a red ridge of fur running down its back. The fully-grown Cerberus is stocky in build, much like a regular bulldog, but much larger.

General: Cerberus are born guardians. They have a natural-born instinct to protect their magis from any harm that may befall them; keep one by your side, and no one will dare approach you. Because they have three noses, they’re also extremely helpful when sniffing out eggs for their magis. Cerberus are huge dogs, the largest of them growing up to three feet (one meter) at the shoulder.

The shoulder height thing in the general description...I don't know if feet or meters would be used. Anyway, since one meter is close enough to three feet, I just decided to use that.

*will probably add more creatures...yep yep. I want to submit a broad range :srs:
Last edited by Yunyi on September 16th, 2009, 3:55:33 pm, edited 16 times in total.
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Re: Yunyi's contest entry - Sabriths

Post by Inoka1 »

It looks like a llama.
That's cheating, Llamas are too awesome!
Seriously, though, looks cool.
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Re: Yunyi's contest entry - Sabriths

Post by Yunyi »

But...but...we can base them off real life creatures! D:
And yep, it was based off a llama :D
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Re: Yunyi's contest entries

Post by KooshyKoKo »

The two headed dragon, the haolong looks amazing. :D

I'm not much of a fan of lamas/alpacas in general, however your sabriths are cute.
Though, I think the egg description was a bit redundant with both shimmering and sheen used.

Putian bear - I want one, 'nuff said. :t-hugme:
I think MS could use some tinier pets.

Flame tiger/ Snow leopard: I love felines. The hatchling descriptions are so cute. *huggles*
I probably wouldn't have noticed that you used the same lineart if you hadn't mentioned it. :sweat:
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Re: Yunyi's contest entries

Post by Yunyi »

Thanks for you suggestions :D I don't know what to do about the egg...lol I'll think of something later ><
I'm not a huge llama fan either...but I was like "oh llamas are pretty unique.....right? even though we already have a bunch of hoofed animals" so I did one XD
I don't think the flame tiger/snow leopard will get anywhere...since we have winged cats already...but they were a lot of fun to draw. :)
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Re: Yunyi's contest entries

Post by Souleater »

They are very nice!!!
I like them all!!
especially the bear,the flame tiger and the snow leopard!!
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Re: Yunyi's contest entries

Post by Yunyi »

^_^ Thanks a bunch to both of you guys! I didn't know people would like the Putian bear so much XD
But I love the tiger and haolong too :D
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Re: Yunyi's contest entries

Post by Souleater »

Yunyi wrote:^_^ Thanks a bunch to both of you guys! I didn't know people would like the Putian bear so much XD
But I love the tiger and haolong too :D
They are great!!
I hope you will be one of the winners!!!
I want a bunch of them!! :srs:
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Re: Yunyi's contest entries

Post by MagusTryn »

The haolong is so pretty and cool at the same time. Very nice concept.
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