Rise and Reunite (Shadowfax x AlphaWolf)

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Rise and Reunite (Shadowfax x AlphaWolf)

Post by AlphaWolf »

The Plot:
There lived two clans in Ireland: The North Clan located in Northern Ireland, and the West Clan located in the Clifden area to the west. They used to be one clan consisting of both normal animal shifters (bear, bird, fox, etc) and legendary animal shifters (Gryphon, Puvia, Manticore, etc), known simply as non-legends and legends until something was said or done that offended the leaders of the legends and caused the two groups that had lived peacefully side by side for years to split.

It’s now been about two years since then, and now trouble seems to be brewing outside the clans with a group of hunters and poachers. They seem to have heard rumors of these mysterious people that could shift between animal and human and wanted to capture a few to watch them carefully to see if the rumors are true. Now the two clans themselves need to band together to free their clan mates and fight against a common enemy. Will they be able to put aside any hostility that might’ve grown between the two during the split to work together? Will they be able to be one clan again?

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Re: Rise and Reunite (Shadowfax x AlphaWolf)

Post by AlphaWolf »

The clouds are hanging low this morning... Dark brown eyes slowly roamed over the tree line ahead of them. It wasn’t uncommon, that was as sure as the sunrise, however Kris still couldn’t help but state the obvious to himself each morning. Fog severely hindered his ability to see into the surrounding woods, limited his ability to keep an eye out for trouble.

With a deep sigh, he raised his arms above his head and stretched, his shoulders slightly cracking with the movement. Glancing around and seeing no rambunctious children, he allowed his wings to expose themselves, and he gave them a big stretch as well before he hid them again. He returned his gaze to the woods, and absently started to walk parallel to the trees. If he paced himself, he could easily pass almost an hour to do the innermost perimeter of their clan territory. By then, more of the clan should be awake and ready to get on with the day. With that in mind, he started counting his steps and kept his gaze level. Perhaps he would ask if Aurora would be willing to fly more to the north-west today, and possibly bring up expanding the territory to Ronnie if it looked promising.

Mornings were exhausting. Oliver carefully mixed the potion in front of him while absently cursing the rising sun. Perhaps if he hadn’t woken up in the middle of the night with the lingering inspiration of a potion on his mind, he could’ve fallen back asleep and not been as tired as he is now. Did he regret it? He added a couple leaves from the small mint plant sitting beside him and the liquid slowly lightened to a pale green. He grinned. Nah, he didn’t regret it one bit.

Standing up, he practically pranced to the assortment of sealed bottles he had collected and grabbed one that held a thick purple paste before bouncing back to the settling green liquid. “A drop of this and...ta-da!” Lifting the cup with the now sweet smelling, muted gray potion, Oliver drained the elixir through some cloth into a new bottle, haphazardly tossing the undissolved leftovers to the side to be taken care of later. With a flourish, he corked the bottle and sighed happily. Perhaps he could take a morning nap before he was expected to actually be a functioning member of the clan. Probably not. He headed outside and took a deep breath in. Who knows, he might take a jaunt to the nearby pond and see if any water lilies were in bloom. He could use more bulbs and petals. Oh! And he needed to hunt down Kris for some more poison. Time to start the day.

Sharp, gold eyes scanned the ground below. Despite the rolling fog, Dimitri had no issue spotting the usual landmarks that dotted the Western territory. He was supposed to on the lookout for anything abnormal, per order of Ashton, but he wasn’t sure what the heir considered abnormal. Talons tensing and then relaxing once more, Dimitri let his natural instincts take over as his head tilted and turned. He wondered if anyone would notice if he took a little extra time to fly a bit North.

Spotting a hare lift its head from the grass, Dimitri dived. However, instead of grabbing the animal, he spread his wings at the last moment, scaring the rabbit back into hiding, and allowed the wind to carry him back into the sky. He’d enjoy breakfast as a human once he was done with his morning patrol. Adjusting his wings, and moving himself into a wide turn, he let out a single, drawn out cry. His ‘all clear’ signal to the waiting heir below, as he continued to check the next part of the territory. He wondered if Devyn was out as well. He hadn’t seen her yet, but it wasn’t often they crossed patrols anyways, unless it was a glimpse as they moved in opposite directions.

Ashton nodded to himself at the eagle cry that sounded somewhere above him and a good distance away. Swinging his axe down, and cleanly cleaving the wood in two, he started to hum slightly to himself. Bringing the next piece of firewood into place, he swung again. Chopping firewood for his clan mates was a calming, repetitive task that he often enjoyed doing to wake himself up. As he raised his axe again, he suddenly froze at the sound of quickly approaching footsteps. Light footsteps. A child’s footsteps.
“Ton ton!” Ashton felt a small weight slam into his legs and, carefully, he lowered his axe and turned his head to stare down at the little girl that decided to say hello.

“I know your mother has told you many times not to run up to someone chopping wood. This is a heavy axe, and if it can chop a log in half...”
“Then it can chop me in half, I knowww. But you were chopping wood! You’d never chop me in half! You love me!” The grin directed up at him was near blinding and Ashton couldn’t help but chuckle. “That’s true, but you really need to use more caution. I’d be very sad if one of you cubs got hurt...” He gave a dramatic pout, which caused the young girl to gasp loudly. “No! You can’t be sad! I’m sorry! I’ll never do it again! Ever!”

“Good.” Ashton moved a hand to ruffle the girl’s hair. “Now go on. Your pop is looking for you.” The girl spun around and ran off, turning slightly as she did so to wave goodbye. Ashton gave a small wave back before he shook his head and turned back to his task.
Last edited by AlphaWolf on April 8th, 2023, 6:11:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rise and Reunite (Shadowfax x AlphaWolf)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Aurora was awake but mainly patrolling as a human today due to the patches of very dense fog. She was in another area from where Kris currently was, but was certain that she'd come across him at some point since they did at times. She continued along the Southeast edge of their border North of Dundalk for awhile and after not finding anything out of sorts, started to head back North and a bit West to see if she could find Kris. After a little while longer or so of being in human form and seeming to not get anywhere, she decided to shift to her Aurora Puvia form and did so before taking off flying while using her light ability to light herself up a bit so it'll be easier for her to get through the fog while also being easier for Kris to see her (also for Dimitri to see her as well if he ends up wandering up that way :angel:). After a little while longer of flying, she spotted him and landed on a branch in a tree close to him. Hey, Kris. The Southeast part of our border is very quiet. Anywhere else you'd like me to scout? she greeted along with reporting to him about the area she had checked as well as asking if she should go somewhere else in addition.

Ronnie was currently in camp, making sure everything was running smoothly while her parents were away on a trip to spend time with just themselves. She had told them that leaving their territory to her wouldn't be a problem. This also meant that she would have to sacrifice sleeping in to wake up early, but she took it as a good challenge. Not very many people were awake at this hour, so she went to a tall rock that was there, climbed up it, and sat at the top while looking out at their territory while just thinking.

She spotted some land to the West that she thought could be good territory for their clan and pondered about extending the border to the coast beyond it (around Letterkenny on the map). She had also seen Oliver wander into the woods earlier that morning and wondered if he was making more potions while wandering around. She'd ask him later how it went when he got back but for now, just continued to be lost in her thoughts awhile longer.

Devyn was out scouting along the North part of their border to make sure anyone that didn't belong to their land wouldn't cross it. Although she did miss Aurora, Ronnie, Kris (especially him), and Oliver she still had her duties to attend to. It didn't mean that she had to like it and she didn't, but it still had to be done. She let out a small sigh that sounded more like a soft cry from her shifted form's beak as she continued to fly along. She thought she spotted Dimitri awhile later and let out a small cry as if to acknowledge him before heading back towards their camp.

Marzia was also out scouting, but wasn't having much luck. It would've been more help if her shifted form had wings like Devyn and Dimitri but since she didn't, she was stuck to doing it on the ground instead. After a little while longer of walking around, she figured it wasn't worth continuing due to dense foggy areas that was hard for her to see in front of her and also both Devyn and Dimitri were doing it in the air, so they had it all covered.

She figured she'd go see what Ash was up to and if he needed any assistance with anything so she shifted to her fox form and loped off to find him. She heard the sound of chopping wood coming from somewhere ahead of her and followed it, seeing Ash using his axe to do the work a few minutes later. "Hey. Would you like some help getting this wood back to camp?" she asked him after shifting back to her human form.
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Re: Rise and Reunite (Shadowfax x AlphaWolf)

Post by AlphaWolf »

Kris’ eyes flicked up when he spotted a gradually approaching speck of light through the fog. He paused and stared at it before recognition hit him. He turned to face Aurora as she landed on a branch above him. He hummed to himself as her gentle voice entered his head.

“Good morning, Aurora. Glad to see one of us actually making progress through this fog.” Kris allowed a small smile to form briefly before his expression relaxed back into a neutral countenance. “If you’re up for it, I’d like to know how the north western border looks. I feel like a territory expansion might be on the clans mind and a head start to see if it would even be viable would save a lot of hassle. Of course, have some breakfast or take a break first if you need to. Even if you want to wait for the fog to lift some...” Kris tilted his head slightly. “Perhaps even get Oliver to tag along on the ground if you’d like the company.”

Oliver found himself knee deep in pond water, plucking lilies with a grin. One benefit of wild water lilies was the sheer size they could get to. Grabbing a few of the pads as well, Oliver pivoted and trudged back onto dry land and started back towards the clan. He’d debated with himself about digging out a pond near his home, and growing some plants there, but nothing could beat a natural pond and the nutrients that were there after eons of growth.

He glanced up briefly when Aurora flew overhead, though he did not bring attention to himself as she seemed to be focused on another matter. Which was fine by him, he would love it if he could brew another potion! Though, he had a feeling his dear soul brother would volunteer him for something. Call it a hunch. When the clan came into sight, Oliver had to keep himself from sprinting to his home. It would do him no good to drop what he had just gathered.

Dimitri’s attention snapped to the side as he heard Devyn’s cry, his talons briefly tensing. He gave a quick cackle back, recognizing her call, before his gaze returned once again to the air ahead of him. He’d make himself fly a bit more for a bit longer. If he didn’t at least try to spot Aurora today, he’d be distracted all day. It was never a guarantee, but it always made him fly a tad lighter to know she was okay. Not that he doubted her ability or strength...but even he knew he could be a bit of a worry-wart. Besides, he could always report to Ashton that the northern border was secure if he truly didn’t see anything.

With that in mind, he adjusted his flight and gave his wings a few strong flaps and pulled his ability out to give him a boost of speed.

Ashton managed to get through another half dozen logs before he heard footsteps approaching him once again. He turned just in time to see a bright red fox bound up to him and promptly shift into the familiar form of Marzia. Aston gave her a grin in greeting.

“That’d be great, Marzia, thank you. I’m about done with it anyways, just going to finish up these last couple logs and then I can haul some too. I take it the fog is keeping you close to the clan? I know I can’t see more than a few dozen yards into the trees.” He chuckled slightly, before lifting his axe and making another cut, knowing that Marzia would keep her distance from the blade as he worked.
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Re: Rise and Reunite (Shadowfax x AlphaWolf)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

It's not as much progress as I usually make, though. Some areas are very dense, and it’s enough so that getting light to get through it doesn't help but I'm trying, Aurora said in reply before hearing the rest of what he said as well as his request. She tilted her head a bit as she had thought the same thing recently. Alright, I can do that and no I don’t need one or breakfast right now. I’m not very hungry and it can wait until I get back to report to both you and Ronnie about it. I would ask Oliver but I think he’s off making potions and I don’t want to interrupt that, she said in reply before taking off toward the western part of their border with the light still surrounding her so that she could still see and the fog wouldn’t obstruct her vision.

Ronnie continued to think and look around their clan for a bit longer before letting out a sigh, and then shifting into her gryphon form afterward. It was still really early so she thought she’d go for a small flight and perhaps to go check on Oliver. She knew he liked to make potions and other such things and was very curious as to what kind of potions he liked to make. She had never gotten the chance to see what kind they were when the seven of them were growing up in the original combined clan. She took off from still on top of the rock to head towards the woods where she thought he’d be. She also went towards the ponds and rivers. When she saw him a little while later she landed and said to him in greeting after shifting to her human form, “Hey Oliver. Need any help? There’s not a whole lot of people awake at the moment back in the clan so I don’t need to keep an eye on things until a bit later.”

Devyn got back to the clan a short while later or so, shifting to human form just before landing. She sighed a bit later wondering what her childhood friends in the other clan were doing right then and also how they were doing. She missed Aurora, Ronnie, Kris, and Oliver but she didn’t voice it much. If she did, it was always to Dimitri and Marzia but not to Ashton. She wasn’t sure what his response would be if she brought it up around him. She went to her house, and sat down on the couch for awhile.

Marzia smiled back at him before saying in reply, “You’re welcome and okay. Yes, that’s right. I don’t have the eye sight that both Devyn and Dimitri have nor the ability to shift into a bird. Some areas in the woods are very dense.” She kept her distance while leaning against a nearby tree trunk as he finished up chopping the rest of the wood with his axe.
Last edited by Shadowfax278 on October 19th, 2023, 3:53:18 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Rise and Reunite (Shadowfax x AlphaWolf)

Post by AlphaWolf »

Kris nodded as Aurora spoke. “Thank you, Aurora. Its appreciated.” He watched as she took off and vanished into the air and into the fog. He knew she was more than capable, so he was not worried about her going off on her own. Probably saved her the hassle of listening to Oliver moan and groan about the long trek so early in the morning. As much as he enjoyed the Kirin’s company, he was only a hard worker when it benefitted him.

A low grumble interrupted his thoughts and Kris gave a small sigh. Well, he did skip out on breakfast to get an early patrol in so he guessed he was due to eat. With a quick pivot, he started heading back to the main clan site.

Oliver’s thoughts bounced around, thinking of combinations that he could play with that may end up making something interesting. The potion this morning, after a few more hours of setting, should be an excellent lotion for his scales. But if he substituted mint with...say, lavender, perhaps it’d be more suited for feathers and he could share it with Aurora and Ronnie, help the girls keep their feathers glossy and manageable.

Speaking of...”Ah, good morning to you Ronnie.” He flashed her a grin as he slowed a bit in his walk. He perked up a bit at her offer and he nodded quickly. “Yes, please. I will never say no to an extra couple hands.” He juggled what he had and held it in a way that would allow Ronnie to pick what she wanted to take. “The schedule of an heir is hardly dull, though, huh? Even when no one is up, you still find the few who are and offer assistance.” He gave her a softer smile. “This clan is lucky to have you.”

Dimitri let his eyes relax as he allowed himself to glide along the wind current, waiting to see a flash of rainbow. He flew carefully along the outer edge of the northern border, as far outside of the territory as he was willing to risk at the moment. While he had a hunch that if he did come across Aurora, or even Ronnie or Kris, in the air that they’d merely send him back to the West territory. However, there were more clan members than just his friends and he didn’t want to risk stumbling across the wrong person.

After about 20 minutes with no rainbow in sight, Dimitri sullenly turned back and flew back towards the clan. It was worth a try. Perhaps he’d check in with Devyn and see if she was up for a quick preening. He felt like his feathers were getting a bit ragged and another bird of prey would know best how the flight feather lay. It was good bonding, and he could use the chance to relax a bit.

Ashton grunted in both exertion and as a somewhat reply to Marzia as he brought the axe down and split the last log into a manageable size. Leaning the axe off to the side, he wiped the sweat he had worked up off his forehead with the back of his forearm. “Well, even with the fog, your attempt at patrolling anyways is a huge help. Takes a lot of stress off my mind knowing that I have clan mates like you taking initiative.”

He leaned down to grab a few of the logs, practiced ease allowing him to carry a good amount with straining himself. He nodded to Marzia and smiled. “A quick look it better than none at all. I’m fairly certain Dimitri is heading to check on the northern border, he always does, and I think I heard Devyn coming back not too long ago, but shes fast so I can’t be sure since I didn’t actually see her. Regardless, there were already a lot of eyes out there this morning, so we should be all set for a couple hours at least. Hopefully the fog lifts by then and we can get a proper patrol out there.”
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Re: Rise and Reunite (Shadowfax x AlphaWolf)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Aurora flew to the western border with her light still present to help her see through the fog. As she flew, she realized that the fog might be too dense for Dimitri to see her. She sighed a bit sadly before she reached the border. She shifted back to her human form as she landed on her feet and then checked out the land just beyond the edge of their border by using her light to see by. It wasn't as dense here so she could see a bit better, but other areas were still a bit hard to see. She thought it looked promising so she shifted back to her Aurora Puvia form and took to the air again, letting out a screech to let both Kris and Ronnie know that that part of their border looked good to extend it before flying back to her house in their clan.

She got a piece of paper and pen after flying into her room through the window, wrote a quick note on it, put the pen back down on her desk, picked up a push pen, shifted again, then flew back out, and towards the West Clan. She found a tree at their eastern border that was just outside it, shifted to her human form, held the note against the branch and then put the push pen through the note and branch, shifted back to an Aurora Puvia, and then flew back home soon afterward. The note she wrote read on the outside “for Dimitri” and on the inside read:

I'm sorry the fog was too dense for you to see me to check on me, but I'm okay. I'd also like to invite you to a pub in Sligo for a drink. I'll be wearing a braided black wig to hide my rainbow hair, some of it might still be visible underneath it though, and sitting at a table near the bartender counter. I hope to see you there.


"Good morning. Alright, and thank you for saying all that. I've been feeling a bit insecure lately. It's probably nothing, but thanks for your vote of confidence. I'm sure Kris and Aurora'll say the same thing," Ronnie said in reply with a small smile before taking a few of the potions he held that he had made. "Ready to head back? Also speaking of the others, do you miss Marzia at all?" she asked and then asked another question shortly after that was asked in a completely innocent way.

She then started to head back towards the clan afterward with the potions she had chosen to help him carry back there. "We should probably have another meeting with the other clan soon. I'll have to ask my parents when we should have that when they get back from their trip." It was after she had added these other statements she had said that she heard Aurora's screech, nodding a bit to herself afterward. It meant that that part of land looked good for them to extend the border. She'd have to talk to her parents about that as well when they got back.

Devyn walked around before sitting down against a nearby tree trunk to just relax and think about stuff for a little while. She was going to try to patrol again later on that morning or afternoon after more of the fog has burned off. There wasn't much she could do at the moment and was a bit bored so she closed her eyes for a bit.

"That's true and we appreciate you saying that," Marzia said in reply before also leaning down to get a few other logs that he had chopped while also heading back to the clan beside him and listening to the rest of what he said as she did so. "All that's also true and they probably did. Dimitri has really good eyesight as an eagle even through this fog but, yes, I do hope to get back to patrolling after the fog has lifted a bit more so that I can do it as a fox," she said in reply while keeping pace with him on the way back to their clan.

"Speaking of I know of someone that's a lot like you that's a childhood friend of mine. You two should meet at the next meeting between our two clans or perhaps before then. You might like her," she said casually while on the way back.
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Re: Rise and Reunite (Shadowfax x AlphaWolf)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

——•——stopping here, I guess for a small break due to Alpha possibly getting busy in rl ~ we’ll continue when she comes back——•——

Last bumped by Shadowfax278 on September 5th, 2023, 8:51:39 am.
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