Poetry Dump

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Poetry Dump

Post by fauna »

Just a place where I'd like to try and share some of my work and receive criticisms and feedback.
All poems posted in this thread are my own words, please do not steal them. I am an English major with a concentration in creative writing and poetry is my main medium. I want to share what I've written, but, I also cannot risk my words being taken as someone else's. Please respect that :t-swoon:


Green flesh rotting brown,
Turning in on itself.
You water the garden with love,
Hoping to heal with your touch.
A green thumb.
Prickly limbs reach out and stretch,
Like octopus tentacles,
They come close
But they don’t scare you.

You’re like aloe.
Your breath a cooling sensation
On the back of my neck.
A healing force.
Like a cactus standing tall,
You retain enough water
To shower me with protection.

Twin hearts fraternal.
One is black,
The other
The color of a peach
And just as sweet.
You make my dark days bright.
Even when you watch a plant die,
You never give up hope for life.


Logical conclusions contrived from swirling images
That make no sense.
Neurons burning, churning out information
You didn’t know exists.
The kaleidoscope follows you everywhere,
A mask shielding your eyes from harsh reality.
You make these blissful feelings commonality.
Itching to go back any chance that you get,
But you already spent your last paycheck.

Some things are good in moderation,
That is the key.
But your depression over takes it,
Itching for that release.
“The only thing that makes me feel good”,
So you wanna take that flight.
It’s God and the Devil all in one,
You can’t help yourself, you’re sinning tonight.
Your heart and your brain they put up a fight,
But Lucy calls your name and takes you away.

Dragging yourself out of your seat,
You start to feel the sensations
From your head, to your chest, to your feet.
Warm and tingly, everything is bright.
You’re laughing and dancing,
You feel okay tonight.
But tomorrow will come and your sorrow returns.
You can’t escape your problems forever,
Someday you must learn.

Growing Up Sucks But It’s Worth Sticking Around To See

I’m sorry for everything
I put you through,
All these years.
It’s crazy what can happen
When the mind and body
Don’t associate themselves
As one.
I’m sorry for the times I hurt you,
Over nothing.
Over trivial situations,
That could be solved
With less damaging measures.
I’m sorry I didn’t help you
Love yourself
When you needed to the most.
I’m sorry I poisoned your body
To free my mind,
And I’m sorry for how much
You liked it.
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MagiStream Donor
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Re: Poetry Dump

Post by fauna »

Little bit of context for this poem. It was written as spoken word for a poetry contest at my University. The prompt was inequality in higher education (I live in the U.S., so pretty specific to this country), I focused on the financial burden for this poem. First time I have ever performed in front of an audience I ended up winning the first place monetary prize at the spoken word contest. :t-dance:


Broke, Broken, Broke
Am I broke, or broken
Am I both?
Stuck in system that denies me any aid
Cause my daddy gets paid
That’s bullshit, cause I don’.

I’m slaving away at a job that I hate,
Cause I’m living on my own
And I’ve got bills to pay,
So I drive everyday
An hour each way
To attend the classes
With the masses,
Tell me, are you feeling the same?

Are you stressed everyday?
Or am I alone?
I’m struggling, I’m grinding,
There’s aches in my bones.
There’s aches in my mind,
And weight on my shoulders,
I’ve got so much debt,
I’m doubling over.

In over my head,
How will I get out?
I’m stuck in this system,
I’m filled with such doubt...
I wish I never took those loans out,
But what was my other choice?
“Be a loser, with no job,”
Getting a degree is important.

“You gotta spend money to make money”
But what’s 50k in the hole?
I have no degree yet
And over half my education to go.
And if I drop out now,
that’s $600 a month
On top of my rent, and my car
That’s too much.

So I gotta keep going,
I can barely get by.
I apply for scholarships
But all I am is denied.
I don’t meet the criteria,
My parents make too much,
That makes no sense,
That’s so out of touch.

My parents gave me life
And a home till I was grown
But I’m 20 now, in the real world,
I’m on my fucking own.
Stop making me dependent
Cause I assure you I’m not,
What I make is what I make
And that’s all I got.

Under 20 grand a year,
Can you imagine that?
I can barely afford to eat,
I gotta pay for my gas.
Falling behind on school payments,
I really don’t mean it.
I’m trying my best,
I just wish you could see it.

When am I gonna get help?
Where’s my handout?
Why am I not good enough?
What’s that shit about?
I struggled last semester,
To get back on my feet,
Now I’m back and better than ever,
I won’t take the defeat.
This sucks and it’s hard,
But I’m making it through,
I’m just wondering, please tell me.
Why’s this easier for you?

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