A ariessa is a disguise

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A ariessa is a disguise

Post by mom1995577 »

(this is a expansion of a escape plan i posted in the black market chat. i hope its alright i used it as the base)
It was the dead of night- the full moon faded into a waxing gibbous, clouds obscuring what ever light it would have granted to the guards of Synara city's highest security prison. Unsurprisingly the guards are not phased, lanterns lighting one by one from the towers along the walls.
"You think the rumors are true? This guy uuhhh Athens?" the first guard whispered to his companion, attempting conversation. "You think its true he has a small army of magi ready to bust him out?"
"His name is Alethin and no, I do not believe in rumors." She seemed very disinterested in the conversation or maybe just the guard. "I do believe in facts however. And yes, I know for a fact we are in for a very active night."
Seeing the confusion and speculation in his eyes, she pointed up to the clouds blocking the moon light. Looking up he realized the clouds blocking the moon weren't moving. Despite the wind that was playing with the flames in the lanterns the masses of water vapor were unaffected.
"What magic is that?" the guard moved to pull a chain connected to a bell, but a soft sound brought him pause.
"Not magic." scrambling to stick wax in her ears, she rushed for the bell as well. "Creatures. Loyal ones too!"
However the warning came too short and the guard was fast asleep. taking careful note of the creatures she could identify and what she knew- that magi agreed long ago not to force creatures to do their bidding and most creatures only stayed with their magi as if they were pen pals- when it became clear this was a distraction. Yanking the bell a few times she then prepared for sneaky zombie mice or a wave of purple and blue lights to swarm the door but nothing happened. The sound of bells echoed though out the city from the prison. The sound woke many of the residents but when they looked out their windows fog greeted them and a soothing lullaby drowned out the bells. On a roof top a cloaked individual hands bits of peanut butter coated fruit to the fifteenth or twenty silsia phoenixes.
"Good job everyone!" she gave one in particular a extra piece of fruit "I'm sure these people will be very grateful for the good nights sleep."
"You think Remy will have some hot chocolate at the inn tonight?" a magi with a orange rabbitsune singing softly in her arms sat on the parapet. "Ginger loves hot chocolate and it will warm all three of us up after this."
The first magi yawned and nodded sleepily. "Hot chocolate would be nice." she gave the choir before her a smile and a nod as they flew the coop. "We're done here. I'll have Echo fly us to The Key."
The pair left unseen on the back of a onyx gryphon. Back at the prison the fog has rolled in and the guards have been on high alert. A few realized who the targeted prisoner was but when they arrived he was gone- a hole being still filled in from bellow.
Outside the fog concealed a young ariessa as it's magi spoke softy to it via a spell.
"See? Barovia is near by now, you can leave if you want. Our friend got out so you don't have to hide the hole anymore Camo." but the bush bleated with defiance. "Alright alright, you stay put mr.break the rules."
The magi laughed softly as the spell wore off. She looked over at Remy and informed him how her ariessa refuses to be skittish. The inn keeper simply nodded and slid a beer to another magi in their amberspice mouse.
"You lot are ridiculous some times. BUT! I will admit I'm glad the direwolves don't have to worry about that man anymore."
"How did you know there was a weird guy hiding out in the forest stalking Alethin? I thought you didn't like him..." the topo wyrm peeked up at his magi's question.
Remy paused and sighed. "I may not see eye to eye with him, but no one deserves to be trapped for no reason." the large group of black market customers quietly glanced around, but their simultaneous silence wasn't left unnoticed.
"He was in there for illegal love potions, not his stock of rare creatures." Remy gave his customers a leveled look. "Did you figure out who gave him those potions by any chance?"
Sadly the group of rebellious magi could not give their friend a honest answer- they wanted to reassure him they wouldn't get into any more trouble like a group of kids trying to be honest with their parent, but with no leads or evidence of the love potions there wasn't much they could do.
The question about the love potions lingered longer than expected, but with the arrival of a young and confused Magi attempting to shoo away a blushing charubi as they entered the inn and requested a strong ale.
A theory for the love potions bubbled in several minds, but was dismissed as more Charubi wandered in, all looking for the young student who groaned at their presence.
"Glad to see you're making friends." Remy smiled as the room laughed warmly at the poor boy's predicament of winding up as five or six Charubi's chosen companion.
Out side the inn a mysterious man with a raza cobra who seemed excited to get head pats again looked into the room with a mix of pride and confusion: guess providing quality goods to valued customers pays off.

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