Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

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Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Post by GalacticSnake »

TheEmbodimentOfKarma wrote:PROMPT!
You play a character that is slowly going mad. What do they write in their diary?
I was going to do the island prompt- but after reading this I had to do it first, it's too intriguing to pass up.

Entry 1
May 5, 851X

Aekira and Orlan have planned an expidition into the jungles of Norst Emuryka. Our goal is to find evidence of past civilizations- Ancient Vald or otherwise. Some scientists speculate the area was home to humans some thousand years ago and that the specific region we plan to visit was once called "Noo Yohrc Siti" or some other weird spelling. To be honest I am rather excited to see what we'll discover. It is said the Vald evolved from the remaining humans after THE RECKONING.

It looks like I need to go, I've got quite a bit to prepare for. Wish me luck!

~Ophiuchus S. Gazer
Entry 2
May 24, 851X

We've been here for about 2 weeks now and at first the only things we had found were trees and mud. Which makes sense as we were fairly close to the shore. But now that we've gone further inland interesting artifacts should theoretically be showing up left and right. Its thrilling, this feeling of being so incredibly close to making a ground breaking discovery! I'll get back to you later on what we find.

~Ophiuchus S. Gazer
Entry 3
May 28, 851X

After 18 days we've finally come across what looks like the ruins of an ancient village- probably Noo Yohrc if I had to guess. And it's all thanks to Orlan. The idiot wasn't paying attention where he was going and tripped on a tree root. Except he kept falling down a hill and right into the ruins. To think, if Orlan hadn't decided to break his leg we would never have found this gem. Oh- Orlan will be fine of course, thanks to modern medical advancements. I've been studying up on human civilizations and if they'd sustained the same injury Orlan had it would have taken weeks, perhaps months for it to heal. Just imagining it makes me laugh. To think the poor beasts didn't even have BioSynthesizers to heal them in a few moments! It's a wonder how they even survived so long!!

~Ohiuchus S. Gazer
Entry 5
June 3, 851X

It's been nearly a week and we've so many wondrous artifacts left from humans. There are faded yellow-ish objects overtaken by the forest that I can only assume were once used as transportation. Aekira even found what we believe to be an old communication device. In-fact there were several scattered around in different models. One model even exploded after a short while being in our possession. We are surrounded on all sides by various crumbling buildings- And to be honest I am rather disappointed; everything I've read mentioned the architecture in this region spanned to immense heights, however the few buildings that remain close to their original height are no bigger than a lowly Vald apartment complex. That aside, we are continuously making new discoveries about the humans. This mission is turning out to be a huge success.

~Ophiuchus S. Gazer
Entry 9
June 6, 851X

During our recent journeys I have noticed a strange sound following the group wherever we went. Not to mention a few of us seem to have disappeared along the way. I told Orlan and Aekira, however they only said I was being paranoid, that there was nothing to worry about. I just can't shake the feeling there's more out here than just ruins.

~Ophiuchus S. Gazer
Entry 17
June 25, 851X

We're being followed I know it. There's no denying it now, our group of 30 has dwindled down to 12. Aekira and Orlan still won't listen though. They insist on staying no matter how much I beg them to let us return home.

~Ophiuchus S. Gazer
Entry 18
July 19, 851X

I haven't written much recently, as I've been on high alert. I've never been there when it's happened but almost evryone has disappeared by now. There's only 5 of us left. Of course, Orlan and Aekira believe me now, however no one knows how to get back to shore. We've resorted to wandering aimlessly hoping for a stroke of luck. But we have seen no such miracle.

~Ophiuchus S. Gazer
Entry 20
August 7, 851X

Gone. They're all gone. Dead. I found their corpses, Aekira and Orlan. Blood there was so much blood everywhere the bodies were almost un-recognizable. I'm alone- but there's there's still hope for escape.

~Ophiuchus S. Gazer
Entry 21
November 27, 851X

This place. Its changing around me. Everything is familiar yet strange. I've been going in circles. Or have I not gone at all? I can't tell anymore. I think the fruits I've found may be toxic, but there is nothing else. The water.... I need water. There is only muddy creeks. I can't tell Norst from Weast anymore. I need water. Food. Anything.

Entry 25??
February 5?, 851X

Ive losing trak of time. Im so alone. Its maddening. I can hardly take it. The tres are my only friens and yet I- i- Have this pasionat HATRED for them. I know theyre hiding things forom me. They must be. If they were my friends Theyd talk back and show me teh way out. No the trees kidnapped me and murdfeered my frineds. I can trust noone!!!

Entry ?????
??????? ??, ???X

The silence. Silence. Defening madening. Cant bere it. To Quiet. to qui et. TOOO QUIET!! sO Mani treese everywhere i look onli trees! I WISH THEYD JUST DIE. I could hget home if theyd just DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE! Im so alone. so so so alone. SO ALONe.

What evn goes here?!?!

HaHAhHAAA If I laugh at the silence i don't feel so aloen!!! HAhhhaAAHAHaH this forest is me now. zThe voice of the trees. Theyre laughing at me constantlyHAHAhahahHAhAAAHhAhaHAhaHaHAAHaAhha if i laugh bac then evrything is okay agaiun. everything is okay! HAHAhahahahHAAAHAHAHaHAhahAHAHHAAAHAhHAHAhA!!!!!

~Im going to die here hahahahHA

Its coming for me i can hear it. let it come. i wont be alone.

June 23, 851X
Prof. Ophiuchus Star Gazer dies in the jungles of what was once New York City. Cause of death: Unknown, likely creature. 5 other groups followed the Gazer expition into NYC, each meeting the same fate. Their disappearances remain shrouded in mystery to the Vald people.
P R O U D - S L Y T H E R I N !!!!

Or perhaps in Slytherin you'll make your real friends. Those cunning folk use an means to acheive their ends.

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Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Post by GalacticSnake »

here's a prompt to follow that ridiculously long answer I gave: "Much of the world is yet unexplored, and many creatures are believed either long dead or entirely non-existent. You are one of these legendary beasts and for thousands of years you've slept peacefully in a deep cavern somewhere other creatures instinctively stray from. Today you have been woken by a careless teen/young adult. Why did they come to your sanctuary? And how do you deal with the intruder?"
P R O U D - S L Y T H E R I N !!!!

Or perhaps in Slytherin you'll make your real friends. Those cunning folk use an means to acheive their ends.

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Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Post by TheEmbodimentOfKarma »

GalacticSnake wrote:here's a prompt to follow that ridiculously long answer I gave: "Much of the world is yet unexplored, and many creatures are believed either long dead or entirely non-existent. You are one of these legendary beasts and for thousands of years you've slept peacefully in a deep cavern somewhere other creatures instinctively stray from. Today you have been woken by a careless teen/young adult. Why did they come to your sanctuary? And how do you deal with the intruder?"
here goes.

and who would you be?
why are you here? i thought all of you died off after the plague.
you may be a different species than the one i remember. it's hard to see in here. at least it's quiet. anyways, why did you come here?
i don't. however, i know quite a bit. what do you want to know?


i don't know.

PROMPT: You are cursed with invisibility. Ignoring certain scientific facts (like how you wouldn't be able to see, since no light can reflect off your eyes), how would you go around living?
(This curse means no one can see you. That goes for animals and photos, too.)

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Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Post by MoonandDew »

Namyre wrote:Prompt: Rule Your Own Island

Imagine you are granted ownership of your own personal, habitable island. You get to choose/invent your own government, make your own laws and currency, local religion, everything a population would require to exist. Explain how you would rule this island and all its inhabitants. If you're artsy, draw some pictures; if not, give some detail to how your island would look. Everything is under your control.
The island is rather small, with a large jungle and a beach surrounding it. The government is one ruler, immortal. The currency is seashells, and the local religion is whatever. There aren't many inhabitants.
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Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Post by madusa »

I'll give a prompt.
Every major city in the world has become sentient. Each has its own personality and some are threatening to hold their populace hostage. You, as a ambassador, has to interact with them to solve their problems.
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Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Post by Pok »

madusa wrote:I'll give a prompt.
Every major city in the world has become sentient. Each has its own personality and some are threatening to hold their populace hostage. You, as a ambassador, has to interact with them to solve their problems.
Sounds like the State-tan project scaled even further up :derp:

I may give this a shot. Someday. When I get enough motivation.
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Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Post by bluecass »

GalacticSnake wrote:here's a prompt to follow that ridiculously long answer I gave: "Much of the world is yet unexplored, and many creatures are believed either long dead or entirely non-existent. You are one of these legendary beasts and for thousands of years you've slept peacefully in a deep cavern somewhere other creatures instinctively stray from. Today you have been woken by a careless teen/young adult. Why did they come to your sanctuary? And how do you deal with the intruder?"
I'll give this a shot I suppose
Everything has been the same for thousands of years, that is I sleep and no one wakes me up. It's boring I suppose but it's not like there's anyone around any more who interests me. The last time I decided to stretch my legs and take flight all I found was a frozen wasteland, nothing but ice as far as the eye could see. So I curled up and went to sleep once more. At one point I might have tried to keep track of the years but no longer. I simply sleep and do nothing more... at least that was the plan until late one night, or perhaps it was early morning, it's not as if there is any light in the depths of my burrow for me to tell time with, I heard a rhythmic noise, the sound of a small creatures feet marching towards me. Quickly I open my eyes to search for this creature to find my usually pitch black cavern being illuminated softly by the flame of a torch held by a puny creature hardly as tall as my eye. It stares at me in awe, perhaps taking in the way my iridescent scale's color shifts in the light of its torch, or maybe taking in the golden color of my eyes now locked with its. I shift to get a better look at it and it flinches away as my head moves closer to it. "Who are you? Why have you awakened me," I hiss. The creatures face takes on a look of shock, as if it wasn't expecting me to speak to it.
"I-I am T-tumot I hail from D-dummocsbeurg. I h-had heard stories of a g-great beast that lived d-deep under the mountains. I wanted t-to learn if those stories were true," The creature whom I now know is called Tumot twitched and fidgeted through out his whole speech. My gazes softened as i heard the truth in his words, and I laid my head back down on the caverns floor.
"Is that so young one? What would you like to know?"
Blech I tried
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Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Post by TheEmbodimentOfKarma »

Prompt: Dragons are real. However, they will form a bond with one person for their whole life, and this often drives one mad or to evil due to psychic influence and subconscious commands. You have just found a baby dragon that has taken to you. What do you do?

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Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Post by snowysapphires »

TheEmbodimentOfKarma wrote:Prompt: Dragons are real. However, they will form a bond with one person for their whole life, and this often drives one mad or to evil due to psychic influence and subconscious commands. You have just found a baby dragon that has taken to you. What do you do?
Ooh, this sounds fun, I'll give it a go. I sort of want to go for a modern/fantasy thing, maybe this will be weird though.
The thing that always seems sticks to the front of my memory nowadays is the way that I met her. It's not like it was an unusual day, but the events that transpired that morning would forever change my life.
I awoke to the sound of rain thudding on my window. It wasn't a gentle shower or drizzle, mind you, this was a full-on torrent, and I found myself wondering how I hadn't woken from the noise sooner. The rain pounded relentlessly at the shingled roof of my apartment complex, and I found myself wishing I didn't have to go to work. It's not like I hated the rain, but I hated the rain. The way it made my hair frizz up and my belongings damp, the leak over my sink that the landlord refused to fix, and the way it seemed to make all the traffic that much worse. Sure, it was beautiful in a poetic sort of way, but not in a practical one.
I had just about finished getting dressed and making a cup of coffee when I heard it: a strangely loud thud on the roof. I shrugged it off as a particularly loud raindrop, but sort of worried that a branch had fallen on the roof and damaged something. Seeing no leaks, I sighed and finished my morning routine, brushing my hair and teeth before taking the last sip of my coffee, grabbing an umbrella, and bracing myself for the coming onslaught of water and wind.
I was not expecting to open my door to a perfectly clear morning, the sun just beginning to peek over the endless sea of apartment buildings, convenience stores, and schools that littered the area east of my home. And I was most certainly not expecting there to be a dragon staring up at me from my doormat.
I know I said the events of that day stuck in my mind, but the rest of the day actually is mostly a blur. I just remember being so stunned at the sudden appearance of a creature only recently confirmed not to be a myth on my doorstep that I blacked out almost instantly from shock. I'm told by Ms. Anderson, the elderly woman who lives under me, that she heard the thump and came rushing up the stairs to find me laying in the doorway. A thin stream of blood slowly leaked from my forehead. She woke me up just long enough to get me into bed and called in sick for me, and sat in the living room crocheting until I woke up later that afternoon.
The rest of the day was a blur of apologizing to my boss for missing another day of work, sleeping, and telling myself that I hadn't actually seen a dragon outside my door. There was no way. You don't just see a dragon. Didn't happen. I must have been so out of it when I woke up I hallucinated it. It was a crazy dream from when I passed out.
Except it couldn't have been. In the days to come, I found myself seeing and hearing odd things -- a pitter patter of feet around the corner, something thin and quick flitting out of the corner of my eye, and meat going missing from the fridge. I started to write it down whenever I saw something out of the ordinary, and would go over my notes at night, connecting my tiny dots. I started to hear whispers in the night of odd suggestions: pull a steak out and leave it on the counter or open the window, and though I did my best to resist, they all sounded like such a good idea...
She finally introduced herself a week later. I was just waking up and realizing my alarm hadn't gone off when I saw that there was a dragon laying on my stomach. It was copper colored, and had a faintly metallic sheen to its scales. It was uncomfortably warm and... Why was I acting so calmly? As I was questioning this, the dragon uncurled itself from its sleeping position and looked straight at me, its golden eyes staring past my own brown ones and into the back of my head. It blinked, and I did too, and then seemed satisfied and went back to sleep.
Trying to move a sleeping dragon is no easy task. They are heavy and too hot to touch, and are constantly sending you deterring messages like, human, you are too feeble to lift me. Leave me to my sleep. I was aware that dragons are dangerous, because there are so many news stories about it, and also aware that I needed to get to work in the next 10 minutes or suffer another lecture from my boss, and frantically tried to pry the tiny, extremely heavy form and place it on the floor.
After removing the dragon from myself and rushing to work, I spent less time working than wondering about what having a dragon in my house really meant. When I got home, it was in the same place I'd left it, but as I entered the room it got to its feet and looked me up and down.
Perhaps it is best that I introduce myself, it said, lifting off the floor with a whoosh of its wings. My name is Aria, and I am a dragon, as you may have guessed. Aria settled on my shoulder and began to nose at my hair. I have taken a liking to you, human, and have decided that you will be the best choice of a bonded one. She paused, making sure I understood what she had said. I believe that you should introduce yourself as well?
The next weeks passed in an oddly happy haze as I got to know my dragon. I knew of the people who'd gone evil because of dragons, but frankly didn't really care. Aria was mine, and I was hers, and although it may have been an unstable relationship, I was happy with it. I hoped she was happy too. Come to think of it, I was more hers than she was mine, but being the human I was, I didn't think too deeply of it. Not until she started expecting too much of me.
It's been a month, I think, since I first disobeyed one of her commands, and I still have no idea where I am, or what's going on. The world went dark as soon as I first said 'no.' I can't even remember what it was that she asked me to do, but I guess I'm glad I said no? Living in that odd state of not really living or being aware of my surroundings was draining in more ways than one, and although blackness is boring, it at least leaves you with a lot of time to think. I hope I can at least see again soon.
Whoops I got sort of tired at the end and decided to cut it a bit short. Oh well.
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Re: Bored? Write or Answer a Prompt!

Post by TheEmbodimentOfKarma »

snowysapphires wrote: Whoops I got sort of tired at the end and decided to cut it a bit short. Oh well.
I like what you've done so far! Maybe it could become a short story?


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