Half Instincts ~ Final City OoC

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Re: Half Instincts ~ Final City OoC

Post by Silvereye »

Same recent stuff going one as last time I popped in. Gold, I'm making some forms for that RP of yours, but I can't guarantee they'll be done until the end of the week. I'm staying home today, woke up with a high fever and puking my guts out, so I have to explain to my parents later why I didn't go to school.

But, yeah, I'm around...about to be back asleep, but around...assuming my stomach lets me sleep...I was sick all weekend, and this morning it hit me really hard, way worse than it was yesterday even...
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Re: Half Instincts ~ Final City OoC

Post by LunaStarlite »

Silver! Nooooo! Stop being sick! D:
Tybalt: NO BE SICK! D: :t-glomp:

Seriously, your immune system needs... Something... IDK. Stay safe and comfortable though!

Tests and school will be over soon enough...

Also, have you guys heard of an upcoming online game called black desert?.... Cause the character creation and some gameplay facets are groundbreaking. I'm talking weather, to the point of mass typhoons, seasonal weather so temperature affects your stats, parkour, taming wild mounts- which need to be cared for as they can be killed... And the graphics!! HNNNG! I wanna play so bad!!
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Re: Half Instincts ~ Final City OoC

Post by Goldchocobo »

I haven't heard of that o.O

I've recently got a game called FTL: Faster Than Light.
and it's really cool. It's an Real-Time-Sratagy exploration game with RPG elements.
What sold me was the soundtrack, though- because ghmnnnn it's so good. I listened to it a lot before I actually brought the game, and I'm glad I did.

FTL has you guiding a three manned space-ship through space. This ship contains valuable data that the rebels want to steal from you, and you need to deliver it to the federation in order to stop the rebels. Along the way, you're attacked by pirates, Rebel ships, natural disasters such as solar flares and nebular gas clouds, which I hate.

You know what, a gaming channel I watch done an explain on it, I'll link you to that, because he does a in-depth explanation of the game-play and stuff.


Aww Silver >,< get better!
I've recently been drinking a lot of fruit juice because it says it's got lots of antioxidants in them- I'm drinking Ribena mainly; which is a juice made up of blackberries. but I've noticed my sinusitis get better from it, so I make sure to drink at least one bottle a day. Last night I drunk a whole carton which was supposed to last three days, but it's tasty and good for you, so I don't mind xD
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Re: Half Instincts ~ Final City OoC

Post by LunaStarlite »

Hmm, that sounds very interesting! Maybe I'll try it out myself!
There's a game on steam called TUG, which seems like... A first person, not-blocky, fantasy version of minecraft. For 10$ you can check it out but since its still early in beta there purportedly isn't much to do and its buggy.

Fruits have lots of important vitamins and minerals in them! You can make your own mineral waters by basically just throwing fruit in a jar with water. I have several recipes of different fruit combinations that do different things too! Its interesting. And blackberries seem common in medicine for some reason... We got a medicine from our cousins once, a home-made type medicine. I think it was for taking down fevers? All I know is it had blackberries, honey, and some heavy alcohol in it and when I took it when I was sick, I think it upset my stomach. XS I'm not taking it again. I don't trust it. >.>
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Re: Half Instincts ~ Final City OoC

Post by Goldchocobo »

I looked TUG up- it sure looks interesting, but I'm trying to save my money atm- there's ANOTHER game like that which is more Sci-fi and has you exploring an entire planet and build anything from strongholds, houses, and any type of vehicle . it's called Planet Explorers and that, and Wastelanders 2 is what I'm waiting for- even though I know I won't have enough money for Wastelanders 2, it's my 21st soon, so one can dream.
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Re: Half Instincts ~ Final City OoC

Post by LunaStarlite »

Ug, I know what you mean about money though. I actually have money but I'm terrified to spend it, cause there'll always be something else I'll want down the road and I know I regret some of my big past spending choices...

I've developed a test for the Bible study groups mom takes me to. All I need to do is put my hair up in a Mohawk. If the kids get all excited and compliment it, they're cool, and I know they'll be friendly kind people. If they look at me like I've committed a horrible sin, I'm gone before we can find other conservative technicalities to get hot and bothered about...
I never felt this way about any other Bible group but a one I was in was suffocating, awful, unfriendly and just.... Wrong. ._. It was so frustrating, I hated it...
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Re: Half Instincts ~ Final City OoC

Post by Goldchocobo »

oh dear ><

It's terrible you have to do something like that just to make sure that the people in your group will be nice or not.
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Re: Half Instincts ~ Final City OoC

Post by Silvereye »

My test, when my friend dragged me along to her 8+ Bible study groups and youth services things, was to say that Jesus was a Jew, and therefore would have believed that priests needed to be married to dictate anything on marriage/family issues.
Out of 8+ groups, only one didn't actually yell at me and say that Christ was a Christian. That group, incidentally, not only didn't do that, they sat there for a moment, and then said "Yeah, that makes sense." We all then started discussing who might have been the asshole Apostle who made sure priests had to be celibate to tell other people what to do in a relationship (we finally agreed on Paul I think). That group I studied with for about six months, before most of them moved. I then stopped letting myself get dragged off to church.

That's my adventures in testing Bible study groups. Make of it what you will. But it sucks that any liberal-minded God-believer has to test the groups at all...especially in ways they know is going to result in people hating/strongly disliking them...I'm not Christian, but I believe in God...possibly in a more Jewish way than I should as a non-Jew, but there you go...
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Re: Half Instincts ~ Final City OoC

Post by LunaStarlite »

I'm in a group on Monday nights that's awesome. They're wonderful, energetic, welcoming, considerate people and I can discuss any sort of thing with them. There is no 'shouting out.' I just don't get along well with people who are really conservative, or focus more on the little rules and 'correcting' people and being righteous in everything in their own personal views then the big picture and being loving to others.

The group I had problems with... My experiences there are in the spoiler. Cause religious stuff, politics, my own horrible upsetness, that sort of stuff. Don't mean to upset anyone in a good mood right now but I kinda would like to vent this.
This last group we were in, not the Monday night one, I love that one, a different group totally not related to my church... They were ultra conservative. I had to go there for a whole year and I never cared for it. I never learned anything, I was often frustrated by the messages, and I felt caged because I couldn't REALLY be myself around the people. Some of them were kind and nice at heart, but the middle-schoolers had their clique groups and tended to exclude others, and the parents were awfully judgemental. I did make one friend there... But...
The last meeting was a week ago and it was AWFUL. It was at that point I realized, the only thing I'd gotten out of the talks was that this girl (the speaker) had borderline abusive, obsessively controlling parents, and she had decided their abuse was holiness and they could do no wrong. Any mention of magic in a book or game or movie makes it evil. No violence, no kissing! Evil! Video games are evil! "In our house we have a rule..."
._. That's all I got out of it. I'm used to intellectual moral discussions. Not this irrational... Whatever it is.

And on this last night, I came in with my hair up, not spiked, its not shaved, just a pretty short haircut, a fluffy sort of pseudo-Mohawk, I was wearing shorts that came down to my knees and a modest T-shirt.
Apparently the fact that I usually wore pants instead of a dress or skirt like 'a proper Christian woman' was bad enough for them. But to come in with shorts and not long hair? Let alone a creative, abnormal hairstyle? The moms stared at me through the whole talk as if I were a terrifying animal, and seemed even more upset when a couple girls said they liked my hair. One mom made some subtle comment to my mom, asking if I'd given to some charity to make wigs for cancer patients, as if she were trying to find some justification for my haircut, because how could I possibly choose this?
Don't get me wrong, I take my faith very seriously, I identify as a Christian. But there are so many others who call themselves Christian who, from my point of view, are failing at exactly what being a Christian is supposed to be. Jesus as our role-model, went to the prostitutes, the diseased, everyone cast out by society, and continually insulted the religious, self-righteous people. Out of everyone WE should be the ones supporting the unsupported. We should be baking cookies if you will and just generally offering kindness and protection to the prosecuted people, certainly not holding hate protests at funerals. Its incredibly depressing.

Then to top all that off, afterwards we were playing a game, and all the kids left when it was my turn, so I went off to write alone as I'm comfortable with; which my mom took great offense to because how dare I not socialize intensively the whole time I'm there? She threatened me with punishment if I keep 'going off alone like a social invalid'
Then that night was so hot I couldn't sleep, someone turned on the HEAT in our house instead of the AC, and I was so tired I just laid in bed crying, because I was so tired and the heat was so uncomfortable. I'm a cold person. I'd sooner go to Alaska in Summer then Florida in winter and I'm comfortable when I'm chilled. I just wanted to sleep. I felt insulted and angry and exhausted and the temperature seemed painful.
So... That whole night was a disaster. I'm glad its over. Sorry to vent. :P

Anyhow, who needs to post where? We're not giving up on HI are we?
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Re: Half Instincts ~ Final City OoC

Post by Silvereye »

*sighs and supports* Sorry about that...I generally ahve enough self-confidence that what people think of me doesn't matter, but I NEED intelligent conversation, I THRIVE on it. It seriously bugs me, in my AP World History class, how many kids yell at me to shut up whenever I make a comment on something the teacher just said (the teacher loves it, and looks kinda pissed when kids do it to me, but he and I chat a lot about history...), because they just want to pass, and intellectual discussion isn't even on their list of priorities.

On a happier side note (besides the "I don't abandon HI!" one, any way), that same teacher of mine assigned an awesome assignment for a sort of artistic final (the first one was posters, and me and a friend did the Periodic Table of World History, with every single element box from the periodic table filled in with a country in some time or another, sorted by location rather than type of element). It's to write a minimum of five pages historical fiction, using either a real event (like WWI) or a real person (like Napoleon Bonaparte), and writing about them in the future, with zombies, now, maybe post-their-time-pre-ours...whatever. I wrote about Napoleon and the Duke of Wellington (Arthur Wellesley) becoming best buds and becoming immortal (in the opposite order, though, of course...), fighting in France in WWI (they were tactics teachers at a small French military academy, but then the Germans invade, shizz hit the fan...), living in England as government clerks during WWII (friends of Churchill, no less), and then working for the UN in modern times (Yes, Napoleon with an iPad and Wellesley with a Blackberry happened. They still write with quill pens though, and the government of England knows who they are).
So...yeah. It's eight pages, and feels a bit choppy, but I wrote it in an hour, and I like it...

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