write a story 1 sentence at a time

Share any written short stories, novels, or poetry

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Re: write a story 1 sentence at a time

Post by TheTruePotatoLord »

Luna, a black cat with a silver moon around her left eye, walked into a dark black forest. Her blind eyes looking forward, she was looking for things that couldn't be seen. As she moved slowly onward, her whiskers twitched in anticipation. Oh, how wonderful it would be to have her inhibitions unleashed again, after so long playing the pet! Her ears flicked as she heard a rustle in the fallen leaves. She stalked towards it, curious as to what it could be. As she approached, the sound continued, piquing her interest.
She watched silently and alert as a beautiful female black wolf walked through, gracefully, and nodded at her, a small smile playing on her face as she said hello. Luckily, both of them just happened to be part of the half of all living creatures that were unaffected by Thanos's snap and, seeing all the ones that had suffered, they chose to travel back in time via the Quantum Realm and attempt to rewrite history, making sure that Thanos never got the Infinity Stones in the first place.

Luna never knew how to handle the extreme pressure of having to go back in time

She looked at the wolf she had just time Traveled with. "Hello. You are lucky you survived the snap." Luna said quietly to the wolf.
The wolf blushed, and began to feel thankful that the warmth of her cheeks was covered by her black fur,"T-thanks, I'm Jane." Luna stared at Jane, and showed her teeth forming a smile, "Hi Jane, I'm Luna.", she paused for a brief moment, "Nice to meet you." Jane nodded and looked around for Thanos. "Where do you think Thanos could be?" asked Luna. "I don't know." The wolf admitted, a tinge of uncertainty in her voice, as her ears and nose twitched and turned to any smell and sound she could detect. "Well," said Luna "We should try this way first" and pointed to the path on the left that looked promising.

The two trailed the narrow path in silence, ears perked up for any sound of danger, and their eyes darting around towards any little figment of movement they could catch. As they walked along, Luna thought she heard whispers coming from deep in the forest, but she tried to convince herself that it was just the wind. Yet, with every step, the whispers became louder and creepier, until everything was drowned out in them. Luna could no longer deny it - someone or something was tailing them, and a confrontation was inevitable. Jane had noticed as well, evidenced by her stiff tail and upright ears. "All right," Luna whispered to Jane, "on three, we ambush them before they can ambush us". "But how will I know where they are? My hearings good, but not THAT good" "You're a wolf!" Luna reminded Jane "surely you can catch their scent." "Touche, but they're," Jane was cut off as the wind changed direction "Well, that excuse fell apart. I can detect them now." "Okay" Luna replied as she prepared to strike "here we go: one, two, three!" Before Luna can jump, Jane puts a paw on her, before gruffly asking "Wait a sec, aren't you blind? How will you know where they are?" "Good point" Luna replied "I always jump the gun. I think we need help from the forest fairies" Luna started trotting forward, with a grumbling Jane behind her.

After they had walked for a few minutes, Luna motioned to Jane to leave the path and hide behind an ancient oak. Though clearly irritated, Jane did as she said, before grumbling "How do you know where to go anyway? Is your hearing magic?" "Not at all", Luna replied "this is where I summoned the fairies when I needed their help when Thanos tried to steal the Infinity Stones the first time" "Wait wait wait, you protected the infinity stones? How?" Jane has heard some weird stuff, but that this blind cat in front of her had protected the world once was a bit out there. "Well, I don't like to brag," Luna said, lowering her eyes modestly, "but I have a power not many people know about - mind control."
:Wait wait wait, if you can control minds how did anyone get the stones? Thats a pretty hard thing to beat" Jane said. "Well," Luna sighed "powerful as I am, I can't control anyone while I'm asleep. And hey, I'm a cat - all we do is sleep!" "Hmm... That does seem kind of counterproductive if you ask me." Jane narrowed her eyes in thought. "So far, I feel like you'd sooner drop dead than sleep, and why not sleep ON the stones? Considering we're bringing in stereotypes, no one can take something from a sleeping cat" Jane scoffed, hoping they would reach their destination soon. "I can't sleep on them," Luna explained patiently, "because they're sharp and pointy crystals - ouch! But never mind that - look, there's the Fairy Circle!" Luna motioned toward a glowing ring of mushrooms lying straight ahead. She gingerly made her way towards the center of the circle, knowing to be careful of the magical spirits residing in the area.
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Re: write a story 1 sentence at a time

Post by Aisope »

Luna, a black cat with a silver moon around her left eye, walked into a dark black forest. Her blind eyes looking forward, she was looking for things that couldn't be seen. As she moved slowly onward, her whiskers twitched in anticipation. Oh, how wonderful it would be to have her inhibitions unleashed again, after so long playing the pet! Her ears flicked as she heard a rustle in the fallen leaves. She stalked towards it, curious as to what it could be. As she approached, the sound continued, piquing her interest.
She watched silently and alert as a beautiful female black wolf walked through, gracefully, and nodded at her, a small smile playing on her face as she said hello. Luckily, both of them just happened to be part of the half of all living creatures that were unaffected by Thanos's snap and, seeing all the ones that had suffered, they chose to travel back in time via the Quantum Realm and attempt to rewrite history, making sure that Thanos never got the Infinity Stones in the first place.

Luna never knew how to handle the extreme pressure of having to go back in time

She looked at the wolf she had just time Traveled with. "Hello. You are lucky you survived the snap." Luna said quietly to the wolf.
The wolf blushed, and began to feel thankful that the warmth of her cheeks was covered by her black fur,"T-thanks, I'm Jane." Luna stared at Jane, and showed her teeth forming a smile, "Hi Jane, I'm Luna.", she paused for a brief moment, "Nice to meet you." Jane nodded and looked around for Thanos. "Where do you think Thanos could be?" asked Luna. "I don't know." The wolf admitted, a tinge of uncertainty in her voice, as her ears and nose twitched and turned to any smell and sound she could detect. "Well," said Luna "We should try this way first" and pointed to the path on the left that looked promising.

The two trailed the narrow path in silence, ears perked up for any sound of danger, and their eyes darting around towards any little figment of movement they could catch. As they walked along, Luna thought she heard whispers coming from deep in the forest, but she tried to convince herself that it was just the wind. Yet, with every step, the whispers became louder and creepier, until everything was drowned out in them. Luna could no longer deny it - someone or something was tailing them, and a confrontation was inevitable. Jane had noticed as well, evidenced by her stiff tail and upright ears. "All right," Luna whispered to Jane, "on three, we ambush them before they can ambush us". "But how will I know where they are? My hearings good, but not THAT good" "You're a wolf!" Luna reminded Jane "surely you can catch their scent." "Touche, but they're," Jane was cut off as the wind changed direction "Well, that excuse fell apart. I can detect them now." "Okay" Luna replied as she prepared to strike "here we go: one, two, three!" Before Luna can jump, Jane puts a paw on her, before gruffly asking "Wait a sec, aren't you blind? How will you know where they are?" "Good point" Luna replied "I always jump the gun. I think we need help from the forest fairies" Luna started trotting forward, with a grumbling Jane behind her.

After they had walked for a few minutes, Luna motioned to Jane to leave the path and hide behind an ancient oak. Though clearly irritated, Jane did as she said, before grumbling "How do you know where to go anyway? Is your hearing magic?" "Not at all", Luna replied "this is where I summoned the fairies when I needed their help when Thanos tried to steal the Infinity Stones the first time" "Wait wait wait, you protected the infinity stones? How?" Jane has heard some weird stuff, but that this blind cat in front of her had protected the world once was a bit out there. "Well, I don't like to brag," Luna said, lowering her eyes modestly, "but I have a power not many people know about - mind control."
:Wait wait wait, if you can control minds how did anyone get the stones? Thats a pretty hard thing to beat" Jane said. "Well," Luna sighed "powerful as I am, I can't control anyone while I'm asleep. And hey, I'm a cat - all we do is sleep!" "Hmm... That does seem kind of counterproductive if you ask me." Jane narrowed her eyes in thought. "So far, I feel like you'd sooner drop dead than sleep, and why not sleep ON the stones? Considering we're bringing in stereotypes, no one can take something from a sleeping cat" Jane scoffed, hoping they would reach their destination soon. "I can't sleep on them," Luna explained patiently, "because they're sharp and pointy crystals - ouch! But never mind that - look, there's the Fairy Circle!" Luna motioned toward a glowing ring of mushrooms lying straight ahead. She gingerly made her way towards the center of the circle, knowing to be careful of the magical spirits residing in the area. When her paw touched the inside of the circle a strong wind began to whip around her, making her fur stand on end and the moon marking around her eye glow in response.
OK SO I WAS VERY NOT SMART and half asleep, so I forgot to note down who gave me gifts and I'm super sorry I can't send a thank you your way, but pls know it's super appreciated since i honestly didn't expect to get anything?? i wasn't even online much! pls thank u so much QwQ
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Re: write a story 1 sentence at a time

Post by TheTruePotatoLord »

Luna, a black cat with a silver moon around her left eye, walked into a dark black forest. Her blind eyes looking forward, she was looking for things that couldn't be seen. As she moved slowly onward, her whiskers twitched in anticipation. Oh, how wonderful it would be to have her inhibitions unleashed again, after so long playing the pet! Her ears flicked as she heard a rustle in the fallen leaves. She stalked towards it, curious as to what it could be. As she approached, the sound continued, piquing her interest.
She watched silently and alert as a beautiful female black wolf walked through, gracefully, and nodded at her, a small smile playing on her face as she said hello. Luckily, both of them just happened to be part of the half of all living creatures that were unaffected by Thanos's snap and, seeing all the ones that had suffered, they chose to travel back in time via the Quantum Realm and attempt to rewrite history, making sure that Thanos never got the Infinity Stones in the first place.

Luna never knew how to handle the extreme pressure of having to go back in time

She looked at the wolf she had just time Traveled with. "Hello. You are lucky you survived the snap." Luna said quietly to the wolf.
The wolf blushed, and began to feel thankful that the warmth of her cheeks was covered by her black fur,"T-thanks, I'm Jane." Luna stared at Jane, and showed her teeth forming a smile, "Hi Jane, I'm Luna.", she paused for a brief moment, "Nice to meet you." Jane nodded and looked around for Thanos. "Where do you think Thanos could be?" asked Luna. "I don't know." The wolf admitted, a tinge of uncertainty in her voice, as her ears and nose twitched and turned to any smell and sound she could detect. "Well," said Luna "We should try this way first" and pointed to the path on the left that looked promising.

The two trailed the narrow path in silence, ears perked up for any sound of danger, and their eyes darting around towards any little figment of movement they could catch. As they walked along, Luna thought she heard whispers coming from deep in the forest, but she tried to convince herself that it was just the wind. Yet, with every step, the whispers became louder and creepier, until everything was drowned out in them. Luna could no longer deny it - someone or something was tailing them, and a confrontation was inevitable. Jane had noticed as well, evidenced by her stiff tail and upright ears. "All right," Luna whispered to Jane, "on three, we ambush them before they can ambush us". "But how will I know where they are? My hearings good, but not THAT good" "You're a wolf!" Luna reminded Jane "surely you can catch their scent." "Touche, but they're," Jane was cut off as the wind changed direction "Well, that excuse fell apart. I can detect them now." "Okay" Luna replied as she prepared to strike "here we go: one, two, three!" Before Luna can jump, Jane puts a paw on her, before gruffly asking "Wait a sec, aren't you blind? How will you know where they are?" "Good point" Luna replied "I always jump the gun. I think we need help from the forest fairies" Luna started trotting forward, with a grumbling Jane behind her.

After they had walked for a few minutes, Luna motioned to Jane to leave the path and hide behind an ancient oak. Though clearly irritated, Jane did as she said, before grumbling "How do you know where to go anyway? Is your hearing magic?" "Not at all", Luna replied "this is where I summoned the fairies when I needed their help when Thanos tried to steal the Infinity Stones the first time" "Wait wait wait, you protected the infinity stones? How?" Jane has heard some weird stuff, but that this blind cat in front of her had protected the world once was a bit out there. "Well, I don't like to brag," Luna said, lowering her eyes modestly, "but I have a power not many people know about - mind control."
:Wait wait wait, if you can control minds how did anyone get the stones? Thats a pretty hard thing to beat" Jane said. "Well," Luna sighed "powerful as I am, I can't control anyone while I'm asleep. And hey, I'm a cat - all we do is sleep!" "Hmm... That does seem kind of counterproductive if you ask me." Jane narrowed her eyes in thought. "So far, I feel like you'd sooner drop dead than sleep, and why not sleep ON the stones? Considering we're bringing in stereotypes, no one can take something from a sleeping cat" Jane scoffed, hoping they would reach their destination soon. "I can't sleep on them," Luna explained patiently, "because they're sharp and pointy crystals - ouch! But never mind that - look, there's the Fairy Circle!" Luna motioned toward a glowing ring of mushrooms lying straight ahead. She gingerly made her way towards the center of the circle, knowing to be careful of the magical spirits residing in the area. When her paw touched the inside of the circle a strong wind began to whip around her, making her fur stand on end and the moon marking around her eye glow in response.
Jane watched in awe as the wind encircled the black cat, feeling it tug at her own fur as well.
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Re: write a story 1 sentence at a time

Post by Edithwaterheart »

Re: write a story 1 sentence at a time

Postby NightGaze666 » February 9th, 2019, 12:39:27 pm

Luna, a black cat with a silver moon around her left eye, walked into a dark black forest. Her blind eyes looking forward, she was looking for things that couldn't be seen. As she moved slowly onward, her whiskers twitched in anticipation. Oh, how wonderful it would be to have her inhibitions unleashed again, after so long playing the pet! Her ears flicked as she heard a rustle in the fallen leaves. She stalked towards it, curious as to what it could be. As she approached, the sound continued, piquing her interest.
She watched silently and alert as a beautiful female black wolf walked through, gracefully, and nodded at her, a small smile playing on her face as she said hello. Luckily, both of them just happened to be part of the half of all living creatures that were unaffected by Thanos's snap and, seeing all the ones that had suffered, they chose to travel back in time via the Quantum Realm and attempt to rewrite history, making sure that Thanos never got the Infinity Stones in the first place.

Luna never knew how to handle the extreme pressure of having to go back in time. The wind ruffled Luna's fur short black fur, reminding her that she was in the Silvia forest where direwolfs lurked.,
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Re: write a story 1 sentence at a time

Post by lemonissourUwU »

Luna, a black cat with a silver moon around her left eye, walked into a dark black forest. Her blind eyes looking forward, she was looking for things that couldn't be seen. As she moved slowly onward, her whiskers twitched in anticipation. Oh, how wonderful it would be to have her inhibitions unleashed again, after so long playing the pet! Her ears flicked as she heard a rustle in the fallen leaves. She stalked towards it, curious as to what it could be. As she approached, the sound continued, piquing her interest.
She watched silently and alert as a beautiful female black wolf walked through, gracefully, and nodded at her, a small smile playing on her face as she said hello. Luckily, both of them just happened to be part of the half of all living creatures that were unaffected by Thanos's snap and, seeing all the ones that had suffered, they chose to travel back in time via the Quantum Realm and attempt to rewrite history, making sure that Thanos never got the Infinity Stones in the first place.

Luna never knew how to handle the extreme pressure of having to go back in time. The wind ruffled Luna's fur short black fur, reminding her that she was in the Silvia forest where direwolfs lurked. Suddenly she heard a howl, and the thudding of several sets of paws somewhere near her.
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Re: write a story 1 sentence at a time

Post by Doglover2509840935 »

Luna, a black cat with a silver moon around her left eye, walked into a dark black forest. Her blind eyes looking forward, she was looking for things that couldn't be seen. As she moved slowly onward, her whiskers twitched in anticipation. Oh, how wonderful it would be to have her inhibitions unleashed again, after so long playing the pet! Her ears flicked as she heard a rustle in the fallen leaves. She stalked towards it, curious as to what it could be. As she approached, the sound continued, piquing her interest.
She watched silently and alert as a beautiful female black wolf walked through, gracefully, and nodded at her, a small smile playing on her face as she said hello. Luckily, both of them just happened to be part of the half of all living creatures that were unaffected by Thanos's snap and, seeing all the ones that had suffered, they chose to travel back in time via the Quantum Realm and attempt to rewrite history, making sure that Thanos never got the Infinity Stones in the first place.

Luna never knew how to handle the extreme pressure of having to go back in time. The wind ruffled Luna's fur short black fur, reminding her that she was in the Silvia forest where direwolfs lurked. Suddenly she heard a howl, and the thudding of several sets of paws somewhere near her. She looked behind her to see multiple black wolves all with dark purple eyes.

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Re: write a story 1 sentence at a time

Post by lemonissourUwU »

Luna, a black cat with a silver moon around her left eye, walked into a dark black forest. Her blind eyes looking forward, she was looking for things that couldn't be seen. As she moved slowly onward, her whiskers twitched in anticipation. Oh, how wonderful it would be to have her inhibitions unleashed again, after so long playing the pet! Her ears flicked as she heard a rustle in the fallen leaves. She stalked towards it, curious as to what it could be. As she approached, the sound continued, piquing her interest.
She watched silently and alert as a beautiful female black wolf walked through, gracefully, and nodded at her, a small smile playing on her face as she said hello. Luckily, both of them just happened to be part of the half of all living creatures that were unaffected by Thanos's snap and, seeing all the ones that had suffered, they chose to travel back in time via the Quantum Realm and attempt to rewrite history, making sure that Thanos never got the Infinity Stones in the first place.

Luna never knew how to handle the extreme pressure of having to go back in time. The wind ruffled Luna's fur short black fur, reminding her that she was in the Silvia forest where direwolfs lurked. Suddenly she heard a howl, and the thudding of several sets of paws somewhere near her. She looked behind her to see multiple black wolves all with dark purple eyes. She whimpered nervously, as the wolves never blinked, always staring at her.
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Re: write a story 1 sentence at a time

Post by Doglover2509840935 »

Luna, a black cat with a silver moon around her left eye, walked into a dark black forest. Her blind eyes looking forward, she was looking for things that couldn't be seen. As she moved slowly onward, her whiskers twitched in anticipation. Oh, how wonderful it would be to have her inhibitions unleashed again, after so long playing the pet! Her ears flicked as she heard a rustle in the fallen leaves. She stalked towards it, curious as to what it could be. As she approached, the sound continued, piquing her interest.
She watched silently and alert as a beautiful female black wolf walked through, gracefully, and nodded at her, a small smile playing on her face as she said hello. Luckily, both of them just happened to be part of the half of all living creatures that were unaffected by Thanos's snap and, seeing all the ones that had suffered, they chose to travel back in time via the Quantum Realm and attempt to rewrite history, making sure that Thanos never got the Infinity Stones in the first place.

Luna never knew how to handle the extreme pressure of having to go back in time. The wind ruffled Luna's fur short black fur, reminding her that she was in the Silvia forest where direwolfs lurked. Suddenly she heard a howl, and the thudding of several sets of paws somewhere near her. She looked behind her to see multiple black wolves all with dark purple eyes. She whimpered nervously, as the wolves never blinked, always staring at her. The wolves approached slowly and moved rather strangely as if something was forcing them to.

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Re: write a story 1 sentence at a time

Post by lemonissourUwU »

Luna, a black cat with a silver moon around her left eye, walked into a dark black forest. Her blind eyes looking forward, she was looking for things that couldn't be seen. As she moved slowly onward, her whiskers twitched in anticipation. Oh, how wonderful it would be to have her inhibitions unleashed again, after so long playing the pet! Her ears flicked as she heard a rustle in the fallen leaves. She stalked towards it, curious as to what it could be. As she approached, the sound continued, piquing her interest.
She watched silently and alert as a beautiful female black wolf walked through, gracefully, and nodded at her, a small smile playing on her face as she said hello. Luckily, both of them just happened to be part of the half of all living creatures that were unaffected by Thanos's snap and, seeing all the ones that had suffered, they chose to travel back in time via the Quantum Realm and attempt to rewrite history, making sure that Thanos never got the Infinity Stones in the first place.

Luna never knew how to handle the extreme pressure of having to go back in time. The wind ruffled Luna's fur short black fur, reminding her that she was in the Silvia forest where direwolfs lurked. Suddenly she heard a howl, and the thudding of several sets of paws somewhere near her. She looked behind her to see multiple black wolves all with dark purple eyes. She whimpered nervously, as the wolves never blinked, always staring at her. The wolves approached slowly and moved rather strangely as if something was forcing them to. They cornered her against a tree, all seemingly grinning but not, at the same time.
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Re: write a story 1 sentence at a time

Post by SterlingStars »

Luna, a black cat with a silver moon around her left eye, walked into a dark black forest. Her blind eyes looking forward, she was looking for things that couldn't be seen. As she moved slowly onward, her whiskers twitched in anticipation. Oh, how wonderful it would be to have her inhibitions unleashed again, after so long playing the pet! Her ears flicked as she heard a rustle in the fallen leaves. She stalked towards it, curious as to what it could be. As she approached, the sound continued, piquing her interest.
She watched silently and alert as a beautiful female black wolf walked through, gracefully, and nodded at her, a small smile playing on her face as she said hello. Luckily, both of them just happened to be part of the half of all living creatures that were unaffected by Thanos's snap and, seeing all the ones that had suffered, they chose to travel back in time via the Quantum Realm and attempt to rewrite history, making sure that Thanos never got the Infinity Stones in the first place.

Luna never knew how to handle the extreme pressure of having to go back in time. The wind ruffled Luna's fur short black fur, reminding her that she was in the Silvia forest where direwolfs lurked. Suddenly she heard a howl, and the thudding of several sets of paws somewhere near her. She looked behind her to see multiple black wolves all with dark purple eyes. She whimpered nervously, as the wolves never blinked, always staring at her. The wolves approached slowly and moved rather strangely as if something was forcing them to. They cornered her against a tree, all seemingly grinning but not, at the same time. Luna clawed at the tree behind her, trying get up as fast as she could.

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