Pit Bulls

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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by LetitiaWilson »

mmmmmMMMMM I am going to have to hold my tongue so much for this.

1.) Do you own a pit bull or a pit bull-type of dog?
I used to own a Pit/Staffie, Cleo. And please don't get me started on the whole "type" bs. Where I live, the police use a list of characteristics (DNA isn't even looked at) and if a dog has 4 or more, they're a pit. Problem is, the criteria they use also matches multiple other breeds, including golden retrievers and Labradors. Hence why I think "type" is a complete load of tripe.
But as for what dogs I have, I own a Staffordshire bull terrier, Loki, and a Bull Mastiff x Rhodesian Ridgeback, Chaos. Both of whom would be classed as pits despite not having pits anywhere in their bloodlines.

2.) If yes, then did you train them from a puppy?
Cleo, no. We got her as an adult from the ex of my now-disowned uncle, who used the dog for hunting and severely abused her, and the ex took her to try and get her a better life. Despite that, she was the sweetest, most cuddly dog you could ever meet. The only way she would hurt anyone would be accidentally when she was playing, never of purpose.
Chaos is the same - we found her wandering the streets and even managed to track down her breeder, who had sold her to someone on the belief she would be a spoiled lap dog. Which she is now XD But again, harmless.
Loki is...well, he's a spoilt brat xD But even so, he's about as likely to hurt someone intentionally as the moon is to turn polka-dot and grow wings. He's one of only two dogs we ever bought (all the rest were rescued) and it was the other bought dog who would've harmed someone if she thought they were a threat, with her being the only dog we've ever had who could be aggressive to non-family-members.
What breed was she?
A tiny, dainty little border collie.

3.) How do you feel about certain breeds being banned?
While I can't speak for some of the other banned breeds because I don't know WHY they are banned, but I think it's basically cruel to effectively condemn an entire breed simply because they had this misfortune of being used by us, the most dangerous breed of all, as status symbols and weapons.
WE are the ones at fault. Not them.
If anything, banning them has only made it worse because now they are even more desirable to the wrong people.

4.) Do you think pit bulls are dangerous breeds?
I think they CAN be dangerous, yes. But any dog can be dangerous, if they're not trained right or if there is a genetic reason.
As said above, I am a firm believer of "Deed, not Breed". Punish the irresponsible owner, not the dog.

5.) Why do you think someone might disagree with you?
It depends. They could've had personal experience, been attacked or know someone who was. In that case, I can understand why they might disagree.
If they're just believing what the media feeds them, then I invite them to meet my "types" and see how wrong such belief can be. Heck, my best friend used to be terrified of them because she believed all the media, but then she met my babies and, after a few visits, completely changed her mind.
If they're the type of person who spouts the media tripe and aren't even willing to consider anything else....well, they better stay away from me, for their own safety. I am not a violent person and will always choose to talk. If you're willing to talk and at least be civil, even if you don't change you're mind, fair enough. You respect my choice, I respect yours.
But if you're that last type, the type who aren't open to talking and will be nasty...well. you were warned.

6.) Have you ever been attacked by a dog or know someone who has?
The only aggressive dogs I have ever met were all small dogs. Chihuahuas, yorkies, mini-poodles...

7.) Anything else?
Deed, not breed.
Don't believe something just because you heard it on the news or was told it by a friend. Think for yourself, do your research, maybe even meet a pit if you can.
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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by zorua9 »

1.) Do you own a pit bull or a pit bull-type of dog?
Yes, I have a Amstaff x Engstaff Staffy called Maizie (or Maisy, or mazy. yes, I did name her after the child show "maisey mouse").

2.) If yes, then did you train them from a puppy?
Not really, I know I should have but she is spoiled rotten.

3.) How do you feel about certain breeds being banned?
I can get why people want certain breeds not anywhere near them or being banned from certain areas (maybe because certain events happened?) but as long as they (the man, the gov) doesn't ban dog breeds because of the breeds rep (but maybe their owners?).

4.) Do you think pit bulls are dangerous breeds?
No, I think they are the type of dog that looks tough and mean but are giant softies (kinda like some people in movies or in real life where they make themselves look tough but are just softies).

5.) Why do you think someone might disagree with you?
Because pitbulls and their really close reletives (i.e. Staffies) are used in dog fights (which if I went into detail about i'd probably get banned from the forum on how much I hate dog fights) frequently and you hear about them attacking people with "no" notice, due to this I can see why people disagree with me.

6.) Have you ever been attacked by a dog or know someone who has?
No, if I did i'd ask what they did to the dog or what someone did to the dog before hand while giving them a hug and telling it is dogs fault but it also the owners fault.

7.) Anything else?
I just my staffy, she sleeps in my bed and I just hug and fall asleep. she is also a big snorer.
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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by Celery »

We had a case recently where a women was breaking up her fight between two pitbulls, and one of the dogs bit and broke the 3rd metacarpal (finger bone) in her hand. Do you believe another breed of dog would've caused the same injury, or responded with a similar bite force?
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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by LetitiaWilson »

Celery wrote:We had a case recently where a women was breaking up her fight between two pitbulls, and one of the dogs bit and broke the 3rd metacarpal (finger bone) in her hand. Do you believe another breed of dog would've caused the same injury, or responded with a similar bite force?
In the news a few months ago, a man in the local area had a good portion of his face ripped off by a dog. What dog? A YORKIE. Meanwhile, down in another county, a little girl almost had her lower lip ripped off by another dog. What was that one? A JACK RUSSEL. And in another recent event, a woman was bitten on her leg. Oh, was that one a pit? No, it was a LABRADOR MIX.

ANY dog can cause serious damage if it attacks. And as for the BITE FORCE, a National Geographic survey compared the bite of pitbull to three other dogs: German Shepherds, Rottweilers, and Mastiffs. Guess which had the weakest bite. That's right: the pitbull did. And that's without comparing to other, larger dogs, of which a number of breeds have reported bite forces up to TWICE that of a pitbull.

So YES, in that situation and under those circumstances, several breeds of dogs could've caused the same injury, if not far worse.
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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by MistyoC »

Celery wrote:We had a case recently where a women was breaking up her fight between two pitbulls, and one of the dogs bit and broke the 3rd metacarpal (finger bone) in her hand. Do you believe another breed of dog would've caused the same injury, or responded with a similar bite force?
Any breed of dog would have responded similarly. Any dog over about 30 pounds could do similar or worse damage. Breaking up a fight between any 2 animals is unsafe. I'm not saying not to do it, just to be careful while doing so and be aware they are likely to inadvertently damage you while you do so.
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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by Neuvillette »

Celery wrote:We had a case recently where a women was breaking up her fight between two pitbulls, and one of the dogs bit and broke the 3rd metacarpal (finger bone) in her hand. Do you believe another breed of dog would've caused the same injury, or responded with a similar bite force?

Also unless they DNA tested the dogs it's very possible that these weren't even pitbulls. Oh and if your really curious Pitbulls do not have that high of psi on the bite force measurement scale You'd be more likely to get more of severe bit from a breed like Kangal which measures at 743 psi the bite force of a dog depends on the shape of skull pitbulls are around average biteforce for most bully breeds. In fact compared to most other dog breeds bite force a pitbull is not even that high on psi scale. So it's not the dogs fault that their owner was not too bright and stuck her hand in between her dogs you never stick your hand in between two dogs fighting thats how you get injured. A break stick was what this woman should have used to break up the fight. Break sticks are good tool for breaking up dog fights it prevents the owner from getting hurt due to sticking their arm in between the dogs.

Also if your curious about how they measure bite force it's in psi and I am only putting out this article because it might help you understand that bully breeds are on the lower end of the psi scale for bite force. due to head shape.


I can name quite a few breeds of dogs that can cause that kind of damage even some that aren't even pitbulls but are bred as guard dog/protection dog type breeds. heck even dogs bred to herd livestock can do such damage and a 65-pound poodle could seriously hurt someone in certain situations. You bother a dog enough and they will bite.

German Shepherds
Belgian Malinois
Standard Poodles
Mastiff dog breeds
Cane Corso
Border Collies
Labrador Retrievers
Every large breed dog under the sun can damage people seriously like that.

This womens first mistake was attempting to break up a dog fight, that is precisely how one gets hurt by any animal. In this case this is human error not canine error the dogs were probably fighting due some other reason.
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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by Nyra »

1.) Do you own a pit bull or a pit bull-type of dog?
The closest type of dog I have is a Malinois (cousin of the German Shepard), and when I was age 3-5 on lived in the upstairs of my house.
2.) If yes, then did you train them from a puppy?
3.) How do you feel about certain breeds being banned?
It is cruel and ultimately baseless.
4.) Do you think pit bulls are dangerous breeds?
I don't believe that any breed is inherently dangerous.
5.) Why do you think someone might disagree with you?
Because of bias, or a personal history of attacks, which I think in some cases can be a valid reason to be wary, but not outright afraid or mean to dogs or owners.
6.) Have you ever been attacked by a dog or know someone who has?
Yes, the aforementioned pit bull that lived in my attic bit me in the face, I had to have multiple stitches and still have visible scars at the age of 18.
7.) Anything else?
Even considering my own experience, I do not blame the breed for any violence. If anything is to blame, it is cases of poor upbringing, and I believe the fact that society treats some breed of dogs the way that they do also plays a significant role. If you treat someone as a monster for long enough, they are likely to become one. Also, it is important to note that animals, like people, have their own personality traits, and not everything can be blamed on lineage, or even on upbringing. Sometimes bad things happen, but it is not fair to discriminate against and entire breed just because of the acts of some individuals.
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Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed? (NO)

Post by Alpacalix »

1.) Do you own a pit bull or a pit bull-type of dog?
No. I've had big dogs, including a golden retriever mix and a lab mix. I've known tons of Pitties though, and had one as a house pet for a year.

3.) How do you feel about certain breeds being banned?
It's dumb. All animals are different, and to me the whole "Pit Bulls are bad" is similar to the racist tones in media today. The hype is not nearly the same as what the animals themselves are like. Only 1% of the dogs (an probably wayyyy less than that) are in the news. Banning dogs is ridiculous. Would we ban caucasians because of serial killers or shooters? No, because we are all different and those few don't stand for the rest of us. Same for dogs.

4.) Do you think pit bulls are dangerous breeds?

5.) Why do you think someone might disagree with you?
Media hype or a bad experience. A bad experience I understand, but I have no patience for those that don't do their research and just go by what the news say.

6.) Have you ever been attacked by a dog or know someone who has?
I've been "attacked" by small dogs. However, because the dogs were small, they didn't do enough damage for me to need to report the bites. This also is a reason bite statistics are so off. People don't report small dog bites, just mainly big ones.

7.) Anything else?
Pit bull is a name we should get rid of. They are Staffordshire Terriers. That's the actual dog name. *Not* pit bull.
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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by WolfyWolf »

Oh jeez, can you see how strongly I feel just by how much I wrote. Spoilered for space. Man, can I really go on and on when I write it out...
I worked at a shelter for about six months. The compassion fatigue became too real too quick and has left me at a loss for so much I used to believe in when it came to human/animal interactions, specifically domestication. I have plenty of stories across cats and dogs with ALL of the sad ones being able to be explained as the humans fault.

Echoing others: I don't think there's such a thing as a dangerous breed. The only reason these one's are viewed as dangerous is because of their pure strength and that being abused by people. If you can ban a breed of dog, you should be able to ban a breed of people: those who don't respect that every creature is an individual that you have to get to know, across all species. I have such a strong emotional reaction to people who have a history of mistreatment or judgement on a creature they've never interacted with. WE decided that animals should be domesticated which makes US responsible for them and their actions. These creatures go above and beyond to adapt to what we force upon them.

I almost said that I never owned a pit bull because I forgot that he definitely is part that XD he belongs to my parents now, but his history is being bought by my sisters ex from a petstore who said he was "a shepard beagle mix". He was raised with small breeds, and was at first in an apartment where the ex didn't really do well to train him, and he quickly got bounced around homes because they realized he was getting too big. I think a lot of this made him as fearful and aggressive as he once was. So, my parents ended up with him (not that my sister and her ex didn't end up back home as well). The most damage he does with us is trying to sit in our laps because he thinks he's a little dog. He was and remains quite protective of the house and our family, but adapted to plenty of visitors who were WILLING to take the time to listen to us and work with him to do so. We HAVE had him scare some people and it is justified that they feel as they do, but there's a particular family friend that I can't believe just badmouthed him and wouldn't take a different approach when she's had enough animals to know they all have different personalities.

5.) Why do you think someone might disagree with you?
Plenty of people have enough reasons to feel the way they do, particularly if they have encountered a dangerous situation. I'm usually aware that I'm someone who has a view of "if I get hurt by an animal, it was my fault" and some people might find that extreme. They read our body language better than we read theirs; they have a valid reason more often than humans do for the violence WE incite. I know that some people just don't think the way I do and in a lot of cases it's not even as bad as it could be as far as how it relates to animals, but it just kills me that they think they care about them but still manage to view them as objects...

6.) Have you ever been attacked by a dog or know someone who has?
One of the longest standing volunteers at said shelter was attacked by a "blue nose pit" that as I recall, hopped into some ladies van and wouldn't get out? It took some effort getting him to the shelter and he was on supervisor only so I never really interacted with him. We had two non-supervisor staff members that cleaned his kennel, though, often enough that they believed he trusted them, and they were both very startled when the volunteer (who usually has just the right communication with dogs) got attacked. He was in the play yard with him, I don't know much else besides the fact that he didn't try to get out of the yard, he just kept trying to pacify the dog and I feel that is a main reason he took as much damage as he did. I don't know what actually triggered the dog. This was the only serious incident to my recollection in a span of six-months.

On the other side, I recently had a friend's super cuddly chihuahua laying between me and my boyfriend, right on our shoulders, and I was sort of nuzzling at both of them with my head when she snapped at me. Immediately she tried to crawl into my lap, like she was trying to apologize. Any dog will warn you, sometimes more obviously than others. This dog, as a small breed, is used to being manhandled and taking a lot of crap, and literally seemed to feel bad about trying to express what she didn't like. Bigger breeds that people stigmatize end up with either less human interaction, or poor "training", usually react faster and harder and may seem like they gave less warning. Make of that messy comparison what you will. Basically I've felt helpless and hopeless on the making a difference for animals by trying to correct HUMAN behaviors.
7.) Anything else?
I would agree with the above statement on names. I think we were starting to label most big dogs that came through (because their rate is so high in the shelter) as Terrier mixes because it's a true identification; we can't usually know what a dog actually has in it's line. It's also a loophole to said "breed bans" for renters. We sure as heck can't identify what breed ANY dog that comes through REALLY is without a DNA test.

If anyone wants to converse with me on this matter, I really am starting to feel in need of more productive conversations in my life
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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by hickory »

1.) Do you own a pit bull or a pit bull-type of dog?
No, but my aunt does.
2.) If yes, then did you train them from a puppy?
I don't have one, but my aunt did.
3.) How do you feel about certain breeds being banned?
It's uncalled for. If theres a breed thats "too dangerous", then if you work in the legal system, do your job and enforce animal abuse laws, because an animal is kind until it is taught not to be.
4.) Do you think pit bulls are dangerous breeds?
No! There is no such thing.
5.) Why do you think someone might disagree with you?
Some people might disagree if they have been attacked or know someone who has, but there's never " no reason" that they do attack. It might not be the victim's fault, but there is always a reason for an attack.
6.) Have you ever been attacked by a dog or know someone who has?
I knew one kid who tried to pet a pit bull and got attacked, but he forgave them, luckily.
7.) Anything else?
If you bring up your dog properly, it will not attack others, be it a person or another dog. As simple as that. I know that because of personal experience. My aunt's pitbull, Angel, was the sweetest little dog I have ever met. However, my aunt got arrested for a month or two and left the dog with one of her friends to take care of her. However, that person did not feed or care for the dog whatsoever, and a fire broke out at that house, and her "friend" left the dog inside to die. She was rescued by firefighters, but after that,she had learned not to trust anyone, and when I saw her again, I tried to pet her and she just stared and growled. It was heartbreaking because I know it wasn't her fault, and because I learned that every dog is good until it is treated bad.

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