GLBT- Straight - Relationships

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Re: GLBT- Straight - Relationships

Post by Eirene »

Personally, I would have to say I'm more straight than anything. I've experimented with other women, but it just didn't feel right, and my ex tried to push me into more encounters with other women, trying to make me bisexual, but it just didn't feel right.

My fiancé, if you asked him, would say he is bisexual. He's also dominant, and has told me that hes happy with just me, though I wouldn't hold it against him if he wanted another guy. I don't have a male's anatomy, and there is no way I could compete against a male. :angel:

But I've had many friends who are gay or lesbian, and never once have any of the lesbians hit on me. And the gay males that I know have been some of the funniest people for me to hang out with. At one job, I worked with a very gay male, and I swear, when we closed the store, we had the rest of the crew rolling in laughter. According to the group, I had a son 10 years before I was born, and a daughter when I was about 6. And my "husband" was born when I was about 10. It was a blast.

I've also gone to a club that was a major gay club, with a drag queen night, and the emcee for the drag queen contests became a very close friend of mine. S/he was a blast, and we would trade clothing and makeup secrets (usually me getting them from hir, since shi was much better dressed and made up).

I tend to wear very little make up, though I do like to get mani/pedi's. And clothing wise, I tend to wear jeans or shorts with comfortable shirts more than anything, but on occasion, I do wear skirts or dresses. But I have a problem with my feet. I have to wear shoes I'm comfortable in, and most heels are just HELL on my feet, so I tend to wear flip flops, mocassins or open toe "sandals/pumps".
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Re: GLBT- Straight - Relationships

Post by Soleil »

Eirene wrote:But I've had many friends who are gay or lesbian, and never once have any of the lesbians hit on me.
This.. so much this..

I have heard so many people around me say that if one of their friends were homosexual/bisexual, they'd rather not know because "they'd get hit on."

I just stared at them most of the time. Yeah... like they wouldn't be hitting on you without you knowing their sexuality if they really wanted to hit on you. People.. I swear.. >.<
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Re: GLBT- Straight - Relationships

Post by DarkColdWarrior »

Well I have a question..... Im a 16 year old female who is very....butchy. I act more like a guy then I do a girl 99% of the time. If you see me im either with my 1 friend whose a girl or with the billion male friends I have. I hang out with guys because thats what my personality is most like. I talk like a guy, I walk like a guy, I tend to act like a guy. And I find women and men both attractive in a sexual way but I dont want to say that im bisexual because once I say it im gonna have to deal with it. I live in a home with parents who are very very stict when it comes to this stuff, they are pentecostal and very hard core.. They have threatened to beat me and kick me out if they ever found out that im gay or anything else.. When im at home I have to act like a girl and wear my skirts and high shirts and all that crap but it KILLS me.. I dont feel at home acting like a girl. I love to discuss hunting, guns and things like that not all the girl stuff.. Will someone please help me and tell me there opinion on what I am and how to deal with it?

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Re: GLBT- Straight - Relationships

Post by ParaLLL »

*sends hugs* Sounds like a really bad situation. I can't do anything directly, but feel free to talk to me whenever you want.

Personally, I wouldn't tell them you're bi; if you know they'll react badly, I'd say at least wait until you've moved out or have somewhere you could go. For gender... perhaps try to gradually adjust how you dress? It sounds like they wouldn't accept you just suddenly switching to how you want to dress, but if you kind of gradually change how you dress to be a bit more neutral it might work. I doubt you'd be able to get to dressing exactly how you want, but you could probably get to something that's at least somewhat more comfortable for you if you do it gradually. Like, if your parents insist on having you wear dressy high heels all the time, convince them to let you wear dressy flats, and then later more casual flats; you probably wouldn't ever get to wear tennis shoes, but you could probably get away from the high heels. Or whatever it is that you want to change; figure out what they're requiring, figure out what you want, and try to shift a little bit closer to what you're comfortable with.
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Re: GLBT- Straight - Relationships

Post by DarkColdWarrior »

Well... The way they believe is that im supose to wear skirts and not cut my hair or anything like that so really theres no way to change the way I dress unless im at school. And no I sooooo dont plan on telling them till I can move out and not have to deal with it.. The tricky part is that the way they have taught with my wars with the fact that I like girls and guys too. Its like it almost makes me feel guilty for how I feel, and that just aint me. Im a blunt open person who gets into more fights than she cares to admitt because I cant stand to be told what to do. It gets me in trouble alot because they want to morph me into this perfect christian that alll Holy.. And thats not how I am. I guess I act like more of a guy than I thought. But I want to be Bi. I like it alot but I hate that they can make me feel guilty over things I cant help..

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Re: GLBT- Straight - Relationships

Post by ParaLLL »

I can't help with feeling guilty apart from telling you that there's no reason you should, that's unfortunately something you have to do. But what would you rather wear? Could you wear a different kind of skirt, or wear sweatpants as pajamas or something?
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Re: GLBT- Straight - Relationships

Post by pixivix »

Unfortunately I think you're just going to have to put up with crappy parents for now (unless you have a relative willing to take you in) and just make sure you go to a college out of state where you can be exactly who you are ;)

There is nothing wrong with pondering your sexuality, I would suggest it actually. It is not something where you say "I'm bi" and you have to stick with that the rest of your life if at some point you realize you are not. You are actually in the exact age range when people start thinking about their sexuality (my first boyfriend actually turned out to be gay, he was a sweetheart ^_^ ). Honestly I think you need to ask yourself would you rather have a sausage or taco, or no preference. Being butch does not automatically make you lez or bi, you just might be a little bit of a tomboy, so am I and I am 100% straight (I really wish I was bi, but it does nothing for me :( ).

Just remember there is nothing wrong with you whatever you turn out to be, despite what your close-minded parents might think.
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Re: GLBT- Straight - Relationships

Post by TxCat »

Hoping someone can advise me:

How do you tell one of your partners, without hurting feelings, that you do not enjoy sexual innuendo at every opportunity?

My husband has gotten really bad about this. We're sitting at the dinner table, having a conversation about politics or what everyone did that day, and he'll reach over and grab my boobs. Or, like today, he'll come in from work, say hello, and then start grinding on the back of my wheelchair. He'll come in to say good night and instead of a romantic kiss I get his balls and penis thrust in my face while he makes a crude remark.

I have tried the direct route of telling him I don't appreciate it. His response: "Don't chastise me" and a hurt look.

I tried explaining to him that before any sexual conversations or actions take place, he needs to engage in regular conversation without making me feel like I'm nothing more than a sexual object. Same response or he agrees and then promptly forgets.

If I remind him of either of these conversations, I'm being a tease (how? by simply having female secondary sexual characteristics?).

On the rare occasions when I give in and do what he wants (sex is an ordeal because of all my physical disabilities and, needless to say, I don't get much out of it because the focus is on fulfilling his needs), he either can't stay interested long enough to finish or he backs off and leaves. He then puts on a hurt face about his inadequacy and I can't even begin to address the fact that I am no longer good enough to satisfy him.

Otherwise, he's a good and loving man. He doesn't do this all the time, I'm just tired of it. Suggestions?
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Re: GLBT- Straight - Relationships

Post by Ravenari »

TxCat wrote:How do you tell one of your partners, without hurting feelings, that you do not enjoy sexual innuendo at every opportunity?
I don't think there's any guaranteed way of telling someone something that won't hurt their feelings; especially if it is a point of disagreement. This seems to me more about a need for you to state a clear boundary; that he keeps violating.

Sometimes the indirect letter or email route can be more effective, because it prompts less of a kneejerk, defensive response. In it, I'd suggest heavily emphasing how it makes you feel - hurt, violated, used, whatever emotions and feelings come to mind. List physical sensations; does it make you feel nauseous, worried, threatened, intimidated, and anything else.

I would also suggest that there will be consequences for his actions. It's not like one feels more loving, or more gentle, or more sweet, when they're suffering from unwanted sexual advances from their partner (which, if you don't consent, is actually a form of sexual abuse and can be argued in a court of law). Since he doesn't listen to your vocal threats, a letter is a lasting comment that he can't just 'pretend didn't happen,' and additionally; if there are consequences to his actions, then maybe he'll consider different actions.
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Re: GLBT- Straight - Relationships

Post by Angel486 »

TxCat wrote:Hoping someone can advise me:

How do you tell one of your partners, without hurting feelings, that you do not enjoy sexual innuendo at every opportunity?

My husband has gotten really bad about this. We're sitting at the dinner table, having a conversation about politics or what everyone did that day, and he'll reach over and grab my boobs. Or, like today, he'll come in from work, say hello, and then start grinding on the back of my wheelchair. He'll come in to say good night and instead of a romantic kiss I get his balls and penis thrust in my face while he makes a crude remark.

I have tried the direct route of telling him I don't appreciate it. His response: "Don't chastise me" and a hurt look.

I tried explaining to him that before any sexual conversations or actions take place, he needs to engage in regular conversation without making me feel like I'm nothing more than a sexual object. Same response or he agrees and then promptly forgets.

If I remind him of either of these conversations, I'm being a tease (how? by simply having female secondary sexual characteristics?).

On the rare occasions when I give in and do what he wants (sex is an ordeal because of all my physical disabilities and, needless to say, I don't get much out of it because the focus is on fulfilling his needs), he either can't stay interested long enough to finish or he backs off and leaves. He then puts on a hurt face about his inadequacy and I can't even begin to address the fact that I am no longer good enough to satisfy him.

Otherwise, he's a good and loving man. He doesn't do this all the time, I'm just tired of it. Suggestions?
If I were you, I wouldn't tolerate that crap. I'd really enforce the fact that I don't like it on him and I'd refuse to do anything he wanted. Of course, that could just be because I can be extremely stubborn and I don't let people walk all over me. But seriously, you need to stand up for yourself. He needs to learn that he can't just use you whenever he wants. He doesn't own you. Slavery is illegal now (lol). And if that's not the kind of person you really are, that's actually better. If you're not one to speak up very effectively for yourself, it'll make a greater impact because it'll make him go "wow. She's really being a b*tch this time. She must be serious. :wat:"
Hope something in this word pile helps you. ^_^

Now, onto another matter(s) of my own. I just recently started dressing according to how I feel (I'm an ftm transgender) and I actually am finally feeling good in my own skin for once in my life (some of my family knows and were actually kind of impartial to the idea. They didn't (and still don't...) know much, if anything about it though), which if you know me, is saying an AWFUL lot. Before I started acting on me being trans, I HATED myself and I didn't know why (until I figured myself out anyway). Everyone used to tell me all the time that I was pretty or beautiful or gorgeous or whatever and I never believed it because I simply never saw myself in that way. I never related to females at all and whenever someone called my name, I answered not because I felt that it was truly my name, but because it was just the name I was used to hearing and it became a reflex to answer to it. I actually always hated my name and didn't know why. I thought it just didn't fit me (which, I was right, but not in the way that I thought) and that I needed another female name to replace it. I always knew that I was going to change my name one day, but I didn't always know that I'd be changing it to a BOY'S name. Lol.
Got into a little back story there... Getting back to my point. So I started going out and (somewhat) socializing (the reason I say "somewhat" is because I don't like talking to people because I can pull off looking and acting and seeming like a normal boy... until I open my mouth. My voice is REALLY high pitched and it sounds so out of place coming out of a boy's mouth. DX), but I've noticed that when my mom or someone is with me, they still call me a girl. It's extremely humiliating (which they somehow don't get) because when a girl or someone is checking me out (which I notice happens a LOT ;D), the last thing I want is for them to know I'm really a girl (physically, anyway). That happened last night, actually. I went to the movies with my mom, cousin, and brother and when we were ordering our tickets, I watched this girl checking me out from the corner of my eye and my mom said very loudly "Do you girls want anything else?" and I saw the girl's face turn to horror. That was one of the most humiliating moments of my life (and I'm sure it was pretty high up there for her too). I wanted to crawl under a rock and hide! D:
I keep telling her not to do that and to stop calling me by my female name (I already have a male name picked out in preparation for the change), but she's like "you're not a boy yet" and I'm like "I've ALWAYS been a boy. This body has just been lying to you". The thing that bothers me also is that on the rare occasion that she actually calls me a boy (not in public, of course...), she has to treat it like it's some kind of joke. She's like "my girl... boy... thing..." and she laughs as if it's funny. She has never called me a boy without adding the excess to it and laughing. *sighs* She gets me so mad... :angry:

Btw, just so we're all clear, I like both males and females, both for different reasons, but I could probably treat them both the same if I tried it. :t-:3: *is still 100% a virgin ( pretty much every aspect of the word...)*

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