Tattoos and Piercings

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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by SmokeyKitty »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?:
One tattoo but no piercings. Planning on getting more tattoos sometime soon.

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?
No. Tattoos and piercings are a way of expressing yourself - just the same as dying your hair or dressing a certain way. Besides, nobody is going to arrive at the grave in a perfectly preserved body with no scars or missing bits - we're all going to be marked by this world one way or another, so why not decorate your body while you can?
Although, that being said, there are some tattoos that would make me think differently/badly of a person. For example, tattoos that depict things like Nazi symbols or symbols associated with other supremacist/racist/hate groups would not make me think "Oh they seem like a person I want to approach."

Why do you think people should/should not have them?
I don't really think people should have them or not have them - it's entirely up to the individual if they want to adorn their body with ink or bits of metal, and everyone has a different reason for doing such things. If you want to be covered head to toe with piercings and tattoos, way to go! If you don't want any piercings or tattoos anywhere ever, that's totally cool! It's a personal choice.

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?
I don't think employers should be able to reject you based upon any body mods you make - but once again, when it comes to tattoos, if a person has ink that depicts symbols associated with hate groups or anything of that sort, I think that could be a deciding factor in whether or not you hire someone. Your employees to represent your company, so to a certain degree (as described above) I think it's okay to filter through potential employees based upon what they might put on their body.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by Revaencore »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?:
No tattoos, but I have spider bites on my bottom left lip (I love them to death) and I plan on getting tattoos in the future

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?
Defiantly not, it's body art. People don't have to like what I have on my skin, in my skin, or what I wear, it's my own style you know? It let's me express who I am, and it's no one else's business what I do with my body. I see my body as a temple, and if I have tattoos then I have stained glass windows, If I have piercings then I have extra decorations. What's so wrong about that?

Why do you think people should/should not have them?
I feel that it's entirely up to you. If you want to express yourself through your choices, then I say go for it (as long as it doesn't harm other people or yourself). I see them as just accessories, like bracelets or a ring. You do you and don't let the world tell you to do otherwise!

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?
I don't think so. It's like saying I didn't get the job because I wore a sweater instead of a button up. Plus, if they are that adamant about hiding your tattoos and piercings, then there is cover up, most places don't mind the clear plastic retainers for piercings, and so on. If I'm going to live my life, then I'm going to live my life looking the way that I want to look. :hooray:
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by Ryutana »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?:
I have two holes in ear of my ears at the moment, even though I use them sparingly. I had the first set of holes done as a teenager, and put the second set in approximately a year ago. I just don't wear earrings super often.
However, at this time I have absolutely no tattoos.

If not, Are you against them in any way?
No. I'm not against either type of body art. Its the person's body, and what they do to it should be completely up to them. I will admit that I'm against getting the ears of children pierced, however. While I understand some parents think its cute, and want their daughters wearing earrings, I'm not a fan. I feel it should be a decision left until the child is old enough to make their own choice about if they'll have it done.

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?
Definitely not. Its a form of self love, at least in my eyes. Now, I'll admit I am not a fan of pin up style tattoos, or those of names on the body, but I'm always willing to give the benefit of a doubt. I like the idea of remembering lost family that way, or choosing a name that's always going to be important to you (for example, a former friend had the names of lost parents on their arms. A family friend had his last name tattooed across his upper back).

Why do you think people should/should not have them?
I think they should because its a way to express yourself. Some people do it because they like the freedom, others to remember things that have happened. I don't see a reason anyone should take that away from the.

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?
No. One of my former managers had full sleeves, and I've met plenty of people who have some really awesome tattoos in really interesting areas. While I'll admit that a tattoo that could be considered inappropriate in a family-friendly environment, such as a kids-directed restaurant or theme park, should be covered, I don't really care if they have them at all.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by Gilbunny »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?:
Yes, my ears are pierced and I plan to get more piercings in the future. Currently, I don't have any tattoos.

If not, Are you against them in any way?

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?

No. Piercings and tattoos are just a method of expression, looking down on someone because of a tattoo is like looking down on someone because of a shirt they chose to wear or telling someone that what they decided to draw was wrong. At the end of the day, it's up to that person what they want to do and where they want to do it, even if you don't personally agree with it.

Why do you think people should/should not have them?

I think people should have the ability to choose what they do to their own body. If you want a tattoo/piercing go for it if you don't that's fine too. It should be up to you.

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?

Depends on the job. If working at a family friendly place or a place that is trying to exude a professional vibe, I believe that tattoos should be covered up and piercings should be taken out. For everywhere else, they shouldn't be a deciding factor.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by Kitt »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?:
3 tattoos, and standard pierced ears.

If not, Are you against them in any way?

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?
Ultimately, no, but...there is definitely a line. There are certain types of tattoos and piercings that scream "I have poor/no judgement skills" and I definitely judge people based on that, but also I'm not going to go out of my way to comment on it or lecture anyone because it's their body and I'm not a person who does that.

Why do you think people should/should not have them?
It's a very personal decision to have something permanently added to your body, so I can't really say one way or the other on the should/shouldn't scale. But, there are a few medical reasons why one shouldn't, primarily concerning blood borne diseases, illnesses that prevent regular healing, and underlying allergies that may cause an ink/metal rejection and leave the person permanently scarred or worse.

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?
Should it? Probably not. Does it? You bet.

I've been a hiring manager for a while now and while I reside in a city that is fairly lax on the subject, it is definitely something we take into consideration. As a general rule of thumb it is probably best to get a tattoo that can easily be covered by work attire, or piercings that can be covered up with neutral colored plugs/discs/etc. Last I checked having tattoos or piercings is not considered a protected class (unless it's cultural/religious, but don't quote me on that) so most employers can freely discriminate against anyone who does. Something to keep in mind.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by eppy »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?:

I do not.

If not, Are you against them in any way?

No, I just don't personally want any even though I think some of them look pretty cool!

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?

They should not, but I know they do get looked down on. Maybe by other people, maybe by employees, and maybe by coworkers. Hopefully one day people with tattoos, regardless of the quantity, size of the tattoo, and location, will be able to show them off and not get judged.

Why do you think people should/should not have them?

Tattoos are no different in my opinion than piercings. People get them because they want them. They're willing to pay for them and go through the... procedure (that makes me nervous actually!) and they like how they look. There's no actual 'reason' I think people should have them other than just wanting to have one. I've seen many different types of tattoos and reasons behind them... the most powerful for me are the parents who lost their child and get a tattoo of their footprint or name. As for should not: I don't think people should get a tattoo just to fit in if they aren't sure they want one.

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?

No. The person's experience and willingness and ability to work should be deciding factors. A tattoo is not an unclean mark that will contaminate food/products. A piercing does not change a person's ability to do their job. If people don't like how it looks they do not need to stare or look at it.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by FlamboyantFox »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?: No, but I do plan to get some.

If not, Are you against them in any way? Not at all. To each their own and it isn't my body. If they want to have piercing and tattoos in insane places, that's all them. It isn't affecting my life at all, so therefor, it doesn't bother me one bit.

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it? No. Humans can be cruel, there is no need to judge someone or look down on them simply based off their preference in these sort of things. If they want it, let them get it. It's always ironic to see people saying "you do you" and then judging them in the same breath.

Why do you think people should/should not have them? I think people should do what they want to do. If that is something that is for them, then they should go for it.

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job? Not at all. Having a tattoo or a piercing should not be a deciding factor in judging whether someone is a decent person or worker.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by warghost141 »

i am hoping to get some tattoos soon
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by lolacharm »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?:
Two small tattoos on my fingers, 13 piercings but no jewelry in any of them (my nose may have actually closed up at this point)

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?
Well I certainly hope not :P

Why do you think people should/should not have them?
I think people should have them if they want to, bodily autonomy and all that

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by pjm2 »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?:

One forearm tattoo, and firsts on my ears. Getting another tat soon.
I plan to have full sleeves, and more.

If not, Are you against them in any way?

I've got some, so no I'm not against them.

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?

No, I don't think that anyone should be looked down on because of what they choose to do with their body. I think you'll find that most people younger than 30 have positive opinions on tattoos. As a college student, I haven't met a single person who disapproves of tattoos.

Why do you think people should/should not have them?

To me, my tattoo is part of who I am. Its how I see myself, inked into my skin. Its personal, but I don't think every tattoo has to have a meaning. I'll probably end up with some just cuz it felt right. But not everyone gets tattoos for the same reason and no one reason is better than any other.

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?

No, I don't. I don't think having a tattoo reflects at all upon your ability to do a job.
Unfortunately, not everyone shares this opinion. My dad for one. Depending on career choice, it could be seen as unprofessional. If you choose a career in which your appearance matters then it could affect your career prospects. For example, I have a few dancer and actor friends who can't get super visible tattoos. Unfortunate, but true.
I'm in computer science, so it doesn't really matter as its a field dominated by younger people, but I keep my tattoos under a dress shirt mostly anyways. Partly because I want to be able to pass as "professional," and partly because that is just what feels right to me.

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