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Re: Incest

Post by lotmoshr »

lorikeetlovr wrote:It's a crime, and anyone condoning it should seriously re-think it.
But why? As long as both are safe, consensual, and they aren't having children, what really is criminal about two people who are related having a relationship? Obviously it's a little weird. I know I would find it very strange to get all Jaime Lannister with my sister, because I grew up with her and... y'know, she's my sister. Gross. I'm sure those "ew, that's my sibling, that's gross" feelings are probably something instinctive to keep us from breeding with our relatives and thus have a wider genepool. Kind of like the instinct that drives male apes to leave their homes at young ages, so they don't start making babies with their mother.
For other people, though, obviously they aren't finding it gross and it's not like it's actually hurting us, we just find it ~icky~.
For the record, "first world" countries can't make two people being in love illegal or they'd have riots on their hand. I'm sure there's states/etc. that have reproduction between two relatives illegal but being in love with someone is not a crime just because it's socially unacceptable.
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Re: Incest

Post by alimajika »

As with most things with humans, everyone will have different opinions on everything, so there cannot be a singular set right and wrong. however, going by the general opinions of the crowd and morals,incest is wrong.
HOWEVER, It is not my choice. it is nothing to do with me what two consenting adults choose to do. As long as they are not planning to have children, I cannot see a reason as to how it could harm them or anyone else for that matter, so it is up to them. They can do what they would like to.
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Re: Incest

Post by benzedrine »

personally i think incest is disgusting
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Re: Incest

Post by PinkPeach »

I agree that if they are both consenting, adults, and are NOT having children, it should be fine. The dangers of human inbreeding are still high though!
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Re: Incest

Post by Jazzafrazz »

I'm mostly just worried about the effects it has on any future generations. It's mostly a moral issue, however, and even though I personally don't like it how could you stop it from happening? As previously mentioned, there's no way to stop two consenting adults, as nobody is going to the police to say "I was with my brother/sister/cousin/etc." Seeing as there's consent, even though it makes me uncomfortable personally and I think it's wrong, how would I know anything? All I know is I wouldn't practice it myself, and it's none of my business who would.

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Re: Incest

Post by stormiecub »

This topic has always been an interesting one for me, because I'm adopted. It leaves me with a few thoughts that I hope will at least be thought-provoking for others.

First: Legally I belong to my adoptive family and not to my biological family. Does this mean that it is illegal for me to have a sexual relationship with my adoptive sister, with my biological brother, either, or both?

Second: As an adoptee, I could have at any point in time met and fallen in love with my biological brother. Some of you might have heard of Genetic Sexual Attraction. It occurs when two biological family members meet one another and feel a strong attraction to one another. In adoptees especially, this may occur due to the fact that we have never felt someone that we connected with so strongly. Therefore an adopted adult might meet and fall in love with a sibling or parent unknowningly, and enter into a relationship. There are stories of this happening, and even of people in this situation having children together (with no ill effects, I might add -- ill effect resulting from incest occurs when both parents possess recessive genes).

There is a huge ethical question in adoption anyway (and no, I'm not attempting to change the subject), but this is one question that is difficult to answer for those of us who might have have grown up with our biological families and therefore might not even realize that someone we're drawn to is a relative.

(No, it did not happen to me. I am in a happy polyamorous relationship with two non-relatives who do not share my ethnicity.)
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Re: Incest

Post by MistyoC »

stormiecub wrote:This topic has always been an interesting one for me, because I'm adopted. It leaves me with a few thoughts that I hope will at least be thought-provoking for others.

First: Legally I belong to my adoptive family and not to my biological family. Does this mean that it is illegal for me to have a sexual relationship with my adoptive sister, with my biological brother, either, or both?

Second: As an adoptee, I could have at any point in time met and fallen in love with my biological brother. Some of you might have heard of Genetic Sexual Attraction. It occurs when two biological family members meet one another and feel a strong attraction to one another. In adoptees especially, this may occur due to the fact that we have never felt someone that we connected with so strongly. Therefore an adopted adult might meet and fall in love with a sibling or parent unknowningly, and enter into a relationship. There are stories of this happening, and even of people in this situation having children together (with no ill effects, I might add -- ill effect resulting from incest occurs when both parents possess recessive genes).

There is a huge ethical question in adoption anyway (and no, I'm not attempting to change the subject), but this is one question that is difficult to answer for those of us who might have have grown up with our biological families and therefore might not even realize that someone we're drawn to is a relative.

(No, it did not happen to me. I am in a happy polyamorous relationship with two non-relatives who do not share my ethnicity.)
This is not only an issue with adopted people, but with people with unknown parentage. My older 2 children have the same sperm donor, but he has at least 8 other offspring we know of. Who knows how many others there might be. It would be quite possible for siblings to meet and not know they were related, especially if their mothers either didn't tell them who the sperm donor was or if the mother wasn't certain. I only am certain due to paternity tests: there were multiple possibilities for both. (Oddly, their sperm donor turned out to be the same, though he was the only common factor for both. lol)
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Re: Incest

Post by Jazzafrazz »

stormiecub wrote:This topic has always been an interesting one for me, because I'm adopted. It leaves me with a few thoughts that I hope will at least be thought-provoking for others.

First: Legally I belong to my adoptive family and not to my biological family. Does this mean that it is illegal for me to have a sexual relationship with my adoptive sister, with my biological brother, either, or both?

Second: As an adoptee, I could have at any point in time met and fallen in love with my biological brother. Some of you might have heard of Genetic Sexual Attraction. It occurs when two biological family members meet one another and feel a strong attraction to one another. In adoptees especially, this may occur due to the fact that we have never felt someone that we connected with so strongly. Therefore an adopted adult might meet and fall in love with a sibling or parent unknowningly, and enter into a relationship. There are stories of this happening, and even of people in this situation having children together (with no ill effects, I might add -- ill effect resulting from incest occurs when both parents possess recessive genes).

There is a huge ethical question in adoption anyway (and no, I'm not attempting to change the subject), but this is one question that is difficult to answer for those of us who might have have grown up with our biological families and therefore might not even realize that someone we're drawn to is a relative.

(No, it did not happen to me. I am in a happy polyamorous relationship with two non-relatives who do not share my ethnicity.)
I am rather sure that relationships between unrelated siblings (when one is adopted) is legal, it's purely the aspect of creating a child which could have abnormalities which causes problems, at least from the legal system's point of view. (Maybe just in my country, but it should apply to at least some others).
I have heard of cases where adopted children have grown up and fallen in love with a blood related sibling or parent, and this is definitely illegal, though still quite impossible to stop.

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Re: Incest

Post by Zidane »

If incest is between two consenting adults, I do not see any problem with it.
Possible defects for their children? We have so much methods of contraception that this is no real problem I think. Pills, condoms, many more methods.
And even if everything fails, in most countries there is a possibility for an abortion. Well, not everywhere, but I highly doubt that any country that does not allow an abortion will allow incest.

I would make incest legal, if I could. Everything that two consenting adults do in their bedroom is only their business. Nobody else's. Do you want to have sex with your sibling for example? If both of you are of age, no problem, just get a contraception, better two (pills and condom for example) and go for it, if you want, who am I to forbid? Your business, not mine :cool:
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Re: Incest

Post by NovaAurora »

If they don't have kids, I'm cool with it. If you really want a kid, just adopt.

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