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Post by narumitsu »

oooh this topic makes me very happy! hi everyone, i'm a demigirl who IDs as demisexual and homoromantic... but i tend to just describe myself as a lesbian haha.

i have a quick question for those of you who identify as bi or pan, though, and i hope it's not out of line for me to ask: how do you define the terms, and how do your own preferences align with it? like, i've heard some people define bisexuality as being attracted to two genders, while others describe it as being attracted to only binary men and women, while *others* say it's the same thing as pansexuality. what do you all think?
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Post by Callipop »

from what I've read, bisexuality is being attracted to two or more genders, while pansexuality is being attracted to all genders.
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Post by MothballMilkshake »

Yup, Callipop has it right there~
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Post by BradTheMad »

I'm openly intersexed and pansexual. My coming out wasn't easu in a very religious community. Though my intersexed status was well known and not a source of shame the latter definitely was for a long time. Some prefer the tern gender-blind for pansexuality though I tend to disagree as I do have my preferences. I tend to lean more towards feminine traits in my partners. That said I have dated very muscular men too but I prefer femininity.

To me bisexuality is just that; attracted to both male or female and in most cases purely CIS men and women (so no transsexuals too whom are technically one of these two ' boxes'). In the end though I find these terms more handy to quickly state your orientation or gender(or lack thereof) than a way to categorize people. Hopefully one day we will simply be able to do away with all these labels and simply be humans attracted to other humans. ^_^
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Post by shortkakesweety »

Look at all these positive posts! I love this!

I'm a 27 year old cisgendered female. And luckily, my orientation is not confusing to me - though it tends to be confusing to those I'm out to! I consider myself pansexual/panromantic, with a heavy lean toward females. I have an affinity to androgynous women, and those that are a little less femme, though not really butch. That part is hard to explain.

However the confusing part to straight friends - is that I'm married. To a man. -lol- We've been together 11 years now and have two children. But I know that had we not gotten married, I'd probably be with a woman.

Funny the directions life takes us. =]

(And to answer the above post) ... And to me, bisexuality is being attracted to just two genders - (bi- two) .. female. And male. Pansexuality includes attraction to all genders (so those who identify as cisgendered, transgendered, agendered, demigendered, anyothergendered)
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Post by crazyflight »


i'm pretty gay and i introduce myself as such to others to make everything less confusing. it's a lot easier than describing my sexuality which i haven't really labeled and don't feel it necessary to, especially because it's probably fluid and changeable. i'm mostly into guys and only into guys sexually, but romantically, idek i feel like i'm probably attracted to everyone? because everyone is cool and awesome and i could probably get into anyone but i might not be sexually attracted to them.

i have this theory that everyone is actually pansexual but that is inhibited somehow during development or early childhood (in most people) to shape their sexuality. like it doesn't have any basis in anything but it seems like it might be true? sexuality definitely isn't a choice and i'm not saying that. i never chose to be gay (or whatever), but i think that there were stimuli that shaped who i am today.

so there's that. possibly more to come on being an "ally" and the commodification of gay men in today's society? fun.
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Post by Dauntless »

i've been openly gay for around eight or so months, but lots of my close friends and family have known for a couple years. i think that sexual orientation doesn't define who someone is, and just because someone isn't straight and doesn't identify with the gender they were born with, it doesn't determine who they are. it's one aspect about someone, and it's not fair to associate them with the lgbtq+ community, and nothing else. i mean, we're still people, and have other interests.

i actually don't know much about all the different orientations and terms out there, so i may stalk this thread and keep my eye on it, just out of curiosity. :wave:
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Post by AsterTheBeastmaster »

I've been questioning my sexuality for years now. In my elementary school years I guess I had quite a bit of interest in girls. My friend and I sometimes talked about boys, and I guess I became aware that I was a bit different during one of these conversations.

Y'see, at the time, my friend and I were REALLY into Pokemon, even more than we are now. And one day, she asked me "which gym leader do you think is the cutest?" My almost immediate response was Erika. Of course, with us being little kids, that warranted an "ew" from her and everyone else who happened to be listening. I was forced to change my answer to one of the male gym leaders. As trivial as it may have been, I think this is the moment that forced me to ask if I really liked girls.

It was also around this time I started questioning my gender, too. I asked the other kids if I sounded like a boy, because I thought I did. I didn't act like a girl, either, according to my parents. I hated skirts, I disliked stereotypically feminine things, and I always leaned toward more masculine styles of dress and behavior. To top it off, most of my friends were guys. It made me wonder if I should have been born a guy.

Come middle school, my parents had forced me to wear more feminine clothing, which only filled me with resentment and bitterness. I never thought I looked good in skirts or dresses, or even simpler things like shorts or blouses. Hell, I still believe I don't look good in those. Regardless of that, though, I was beginning to believe I was transgender. Well, to cut the story short, I quickly found out I wasn't.

I did lots of research on the subject, and learned plenty of things about gender. I learned that I didn't need to adhere to the stereotypes of one gender to identify or be identified as that gender, and that showing affinity for the characteristics of another gender didn't automatically make me said gender, either. Most importantly, I learned that being trans wasn't a choice. For the brief time I was tossing the idea of being trans around, I was making a conscious choice to do so. That said, I was no longer confused about my gender. I am female. Just not a particularly feminine female.

Now, back on the topic of sexuality, it took me a long, looooong time to come to terms with being bisexual. The negative responses I got when I let something slip about my attraction to girls was more than enough to keep me in denial about the "bi" part of my sexuality. Nonetheless, I continued to see the beauty in both men and women, even if I felt like I had to keep one part of that low-key for a while. It wasn't until just recently that I became comfortable with calling myself bisexual, and my family, my friends, and my boyfriend have all been supportive of my coming out. As long as they support me, I won't have to hide myself, and that's all that matters.
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Post by DaedAir »

DaedAir wrote:I personally identify as Agender. Meaning I am genderless. I prefer the use of they, them, their, etc. pronouns. I also identify as pansexual and demisexual. Growing up, I lived in a Christian household. I actually didn't come out to my parents until I was a Sophomore in highschool. My parents never accepted who I was. I was actually kicked out the house a few months ago because it. It's hard and frustrating, but my parents slowly seem to becoming around to the fact.

As for coming out to those who are strongly religious. I suggest to pick and choose who you come out too. This is because not everyone you meet is going to be friendly about it. And if the people you come out to don't accept who you are, you don't have everyone 'hating' you. You only have some people 'hating' you.

As sannesara said, I am also here if you, or anyone needs to talk about the LGBTQA+ Community. Whether you have questions or are in need of answers or need to talk or vent, I'm here and all ears. Send me a message and I'll respond to you as fast as I can.

To those who are stalking this thread (I know there are a few here), and to those who are also wondering "just how long does figuring this all out take." Well I have an answer for you.

I know I recently retracted my statement of being agender (as the spoiler above states). I offically came out as Genderqueer a few days. I'm not out to everyone quite yet. But at least to those who have me on Facebook, know I am. As to the question; if you, yourself are asking it. The answer to the question is, there is no time limit to figure any of this all out. It took me about 4-5 years to figure all of this out. And even now, I still don't feel like any of it fits. But genderqueer fits me best so far.

So don't worry if your just beginning to figure this out, a few months into figuring this out, or even quite a few years into figuring out just who you are. My advice is this: Take your time. Take your time. Take your time. This is you that you are figuring out. There is no "I need to find out who I am right this very moment." Believe me, I've been there. I've asked that question myself for years. And it drove me to tears. But I finally realized that nobody, not even myself, could figure out who I am; when I wanted to figure it out. It is a process that takes time. Some find it right away. Others, like myself, take a while. And that is okay. That is perfectly fine.

Just be you and take your sweet, sweet time in figuring yourself out. :D

If you have any questions about me, myself, how I came to figure this all out, or any questions regarding LGBTQ+ please -- feel free to message me. I am happy to answer any questions anyone may have!!

Genderqueer -- a person who does not subscribe to conventional gender distinctions but identifies with neither, both, or a combination of male and female genders.
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Post by WhiteFang7 »

oh man, it's super nice to see a thread like this on here! especially with everyone being so positive!
personally i identify as asexual/panromantic and transgender. technically i'm a demiboy, but i hate constantly explaining non-binary identities to cis people so i usually just say i'm a boy. i'm 100% chill with being called a boy/anything masculine-related and i use he/him pronouns, so honestly if you just want to think of me as a boy i don't mind at all!

it's taken me a long time to get to this point to be honest. i think it was in 2012 when i started questioning my gender. one of my friends came out as trans male and explained the concept to me, and i started thinking it sounded a lot like me, and i basically went from there.

unfortunately my mum isn't particularly supportive. i came out to her a couple of years ago, and she pretty much just acts as though it never happened until i do something she doesn't agree with (using the men's bathroom, talking about hormone therapy/surgery/etc), but she's not going to stop me transitioning, so i guess it could be worse. i actually recently got my name changed legally which is a huge thing for me! i'm still getting excited whenever i see my preferred name used where my birth name would have been used before.
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